I’ve been on Tamoxifen for about 5 months now. I’m having pain in my knees and my calves. Does anyone know if this is a side effect from the medication. I walk every day and try not sitting for too long but some days my legs hurt a lot.
FDA approved treatment method for Covid-19
Did you know that the FDA recently approved a treatment that reduces the chance of community spread of COVID-19 by 5X? Its trade name is called Wearamaskasshole. Side effects include mild inconvenience, possible victim complex, fear of people thinking you are a sheeple, being ostracized by your anti-vax pandemic bros, and…
How often do you get a little dose of survivor's guilt?
Again this morning I did. A friend of the family, younger than me, probably in his 50's, healthy by most standards, non-smoker, non-drinker, basically the best type of person you would want as a neighbor or a friend, suddenly dead. I don't know at this point why. But for whatever reason it was it's another example of we…
July is Sarcoma Cancer Awareness Month
Our Blog Post today has some details about sarcoma and awareness. Click here for the article>> https://bit.ly/3ge5R0h
wondering if anyone has had experience with the side effects of taking tagrisso? do the side effects become less over time?
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
After 1 year and six months my cancer has recurred. I now have enlarged lymph node near the duodenum and a golf ball size tumor in my liver
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Immunotherapy
my wife is constantly nauseous and spends a lot of time feeling weak
No, I've never smoked, the answer to my most asked question!
Never chewed, don't drink, eat well, exercise, do all the things a person should do to stay healthy. Boom-cancer anyway. Did any of you have no risk factors but were diagnosed anyway?
Has anyone been treated at the Cancer Center for Healing in California?
I was scrolling around the internet and came across one of their posts that listed the "Top 6 Cancer Tests Every Cancer Patient Must Know". Some of these I've never heard of or read about. A Must-Have Cancer Screening Checklist ● #1 RGCC Test ○ Detects potentially deadly circulating cancer cells and cancer stem cells and…
Several Universities have announced that they will require students to have a flu shot and a covid 1
Can you imagine the backlash that will come from the conspiracy theorists? We can't even get people to wear a stupid mask to keep from killing each other with a virus with no cure, can you imagine what the outcry will be when they are forced to have a flu shot or a vaccination for covid?
Celebration | Remission
After two failed chemo treatments, received CAR-T immunotherapy June of 2019, all cancer, tumors gone. Had 1 year follow up scan, still in remission. :)
2020 is trying to tell us something I think.
First the virus, then killer wasps, now it's choking killer saharan dust cloud. It seems like this is some sort of a B class movie thriller. Has anyone seen or had any effects from this "killer dust cloud"?
Side Effects | Pain
My tumors are growing despite chemo, and for the first time, the cancer is causing pain. The tumors are pressing on my femoral nerve, and I can no longer walk more than a 200 yards or so without severe, debilitating pain.
Prostate cancer test ExoDx
Have any of you used this test? It's a urine sample test instead of a biopsy for diagnosing
As this virus is apparently starting to slow down, where are you on "starting back up"?
I don't think it takes that much common sense. If a place like New York is still having cases by the thousands, everyone needs to stay put. But out in the middle of Montana where there probably isn't 100 cases in the state, they can probably start to move around. But people will need to have some common sense, and that's…
MD Anderson Hospital in Texas
I am getting frustrated with my current care. I feel like they do not have a sense of urgency on my case. They will decide we need to do a test/procedure/whatever and schedule it, 3 weeks later the procedure/test is done. One week later I get the results. Then, it didn't tell them what they wanted, so another is scheduled,…
Are there that many people that are afraid of going through cancer treatments/
As I browse around researching my cancer I see post after post where people are always asking if anyone has survived without treatment, or did you have chemo and no radiation or vice/versa, or what "natural Methods" did you use to beat cancer? It seems to me that these people are more afraid of the treatment than the…
I was thinking last night about how much I enjoy chatting with all of you. It's strange that what we have in common is our "disease," but it's really a very positive place here. Sharing ideas, sharing opinions. It's been interesting for me to see how people process their treatments, their waiting news, and everything else.…
Have you reached the end of your "first line treatments"? Is your doctor looking for what's next for
Our blog post has helpful information about how they work and how you find one that you will qualify for. Take a look here>> http://bit.ly/2p5ZRyB
This has probably been asked before but I couldn't find it here. Does CBD oil work for pain?
I mean really work, not just "I think it might", or "I'm not sure if it's working". If it won't cut pain like taking a pain pill I'm not interested. Does anyone have real life experience taking it? How much do you have to take? I know nothing about it other than some facebook claims I read about how good it works, and we…
A common question we receive is about long term side effects
Several people have asked about the long term side effects of treatment. Usually followed by the statement that they are considering not having treatment at all because of them. So to alleviate these fears, what would you say are "long term" side effects, if you have had any at all? And knowing now what they are and their…
Who has had the duo of carboplatin and taxol? How was it for you? Side effects?
If I don't have the PD-L1 receptor in my tumor I will have this combo in addition to Keytruda. Just wondering how it was for you. It's been 30 years since I had chemo, things have changed a great deal since then.
Other Care | Reconstructive surgeries
total of 6 after the mastectomy and a complete revision 10 years later in 2019
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
I was very tired and good tasted like nothing low energy
Have you participated in the Covid 19 life effects survey yet? You should have received an email abo
Briefly: We would like to understand this impact and what characteristics help people to be more resilient during these challenging times. We would greatly appreciate if you would participate in this web-based study. We will collect data five times over the two years: at study entry, in two months, in six months, and in 12…
Other Care | Told.My Primary doctor and increased my.sertraline
It took awhile before I felt any better
Other Care | Palliative care
I was so depressed they assign me to a counselor for.a few week's
Side Effects | Diarrhea
It was severe but Imodium checked
Clinical Trial | Shots in the belly . Revlimid.Valtrex,Dex. Steroids
Severe Diarrieh. Imodium checked it. Deli so weak and drained
Aniexty and Depression...
Aniexty and Depression