I saw this quote today and although it's talking about the virus thing, I thought about us cancer fi
Member Posts: 28
I think this fits us too, don't you?
A shout out to everyone who is trying right now.
Trying to do the right thing.
Trying to keep going.
Trying to hold on.
Trying to discover their flow.
Trying to stay afloat.
Trying to meet each new day.
Trying to love themselves.
Trying new things and new ways.
Trying to find their healing.
I see you. I'm there too.
We're in this together.
A shout out to everyone who is trying right now.
Trying to do the right thing.
Trying to keep going.
Trying to hold on.
Trying to discover their flow.
Trying to stay afloat.
Trying to meet each new day.
Trying to love themselves.
Trying new things and new ways.
Trying to find their healing.
I see you. I'm there too.
We're in this together.
I definitely think it fits, The world is "virus crazy" and it's like no-one and nothing else matters.0
Agreed. This is perfect to fit the present situation. People are trying to adjust to a new way of life that many thought would be a couple (few) weeks and may become months. This is a great list of how we need to approach this new reality. Thanks for sharing that, tougherthanit.0
Yes, it certainly does fit us cancer fighters. No matter the stage or type or number of years it has been since our diagnosis, this applies. At WhatNext, we said that "we're in this together" long before it became a popular phrase of the day or a hashtag. Take care0
Thank you Tougher. A family member just completed a 90-day rehab program. This fits everybody
Lorie0 -
It does help both cancer patients, those dealing with other medical issues, and the virus.
A few years back I was dealing with major stomach issues and had four procedures done in six months. It wasn't easy at all. My diet was severely changed. I was dealing with an ileostomy and so much more. But I took things one day at a time. Sometimes I could only handle one hour at a time. I wish I would have had those words to get me through it.0 -
Thanks, Tougher. I liked it so much that I reposted it on FB. It truly fits for us with cancer.0
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