Small Intestine Cancer

Small intestine cancer is cancer of the small intestine. Although there are several types of cancer that occur inside the small intestine, the type most commonly associated with small intestine cancer is adenocarcinoma. These most often occur in the cells that line the duodenum, the beginning portion of the small intestine. Just over 8,000 new cases of small intestine cancer are diagnosed in the United States each year. Most small intestine cancer diagnoses are in people over age 60. Other risk factors for developing small intestine cancer include a diet high in fat; Crohn's or celiac disease; and genetics. Symptoms of small intestine cancer include abdominal lumps or pain, unexpected weight loss, and bloody stool. The stages of small intestine cancer range from zero to IV, depending on tumor size and spread. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of these.
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