Pain killer effectiveness - I am on some what I think are mild dose hydrocodone pain killers 300 mg.
Member Posts: 24
When I take one they don't seem to do much. I do get a little deadening of the pain, but nothing, like I thought, would happen. I thought the pain would stop. I get just as good of a result from two 500 mg Tylenol. Does anyone else get these results from prescription pain meds?
There seems to be a fine line for me to be either knocked out or have relief. My doctor had to find what would work best for me. Maybe yours can tweak things a bit for you. Wouldn’t hurt to ask. Hope you can get something that helps!0
I have a weird super tolerance to pain meds. I can take a strong pill, one that others will be knocked out by, and it doesn't do much for me. Years ago when I was having radiation every day and had severe burns, sores in my mouth and throat, and lots of pain, I was on 500 Lortabs. They didn't take care of it. They bumped me up to 750mg every 4 hrs, that still didn't do it. They changed that to 750 Lortab elixir, which is liquid Lortab with Tylenol mixed with it. That's supposed to be the strongest thing I could get before morphine. That still wasn't doing it. I would be OK for 2 hours but after that, it wore off. I started taking it every 2 hours instead of 4 hours. That helped but still wasn't like you would think it would be.
I told my doctor that it still wasn't working and he shrugged his head and said that I was like some people they studied in med school who have a condition that the body uses up the pain meds like it's attacking the pain meds, and does away with them before they can kill the pain. He just said this is interesting. After that, he was interested in how I was doing and watched my progress closely. He eventually bumped me up to morphine. So, we all take these meds differently, what works for someone else may not work for you. Be sure to tell your doctor exactly what's going on. The more information they have about you and how things are going, the better they can manage your case.0
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