2/28/2025 is Rare Disease Day
People don't often think "rare" when they hear the word "cancer", but there are more than 200 types of rare cancer diagnoses. On this Rare Disease Day, we'd like to recognize the patient warriors who are fighting everyday as well as the researchers who are tirelessly working towards new treatments. We see you, and we love…
National Caregivers Day, 2/21/2025
Caregivers are often unsung heroes in the cancer journey, but they are an immeasurably vital part! In honor of the upcoming National Caregivers Day, we'd love to hear your experiences. Are you a caregiver yourself, or are you a patient who wants to lift up your own caregiver? Please share a bit in the comments. We're all…
Today's the Day!
On this World Cancer Day 2025, we are so thrilled to announce the partnership with our companion site, Patient Worthy! Patient Worthy is a media company that focuses on the rare disease community, including rare cancers. They have reported on over 900 rare disease categories, published over 22,000 articles on their site,…
Big Announcement Coming Soon!!
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Hello WHAT NEXT community. We want to wish everyone a happy holiday from your friends at WHAT NEXT. We hope everyone has a joyful relaxing holiday with loved ones. We would love to hear some plans people have for this holiday time. I am looking forward to our jingle mingle family holiday party. It will be extra special…
Let's get to know one another!
Hello, Everyone! Some members have mentioned they'd really like to get the conversation going again, so let's start by getting to know each other and/or reacquainting. If you're willing, please share your name, diagnosis, how long you've been a part of the community, and anything else you'd like to share about yourself.…
SITE UPDATE: Introducing the NEW WhatNext.com
Welcome to the new and improved WhatNext, a community where people from around the world and across all walks of life can come together to discuss their experiences with cancer and offer each other support. For years, WhatNext has been a vibrant and engaging community but sadly resulted in the old website being taken down.…
Thinking on going off this maintenence drug.I've been on for 18 months after stem cell transplant. Any thoughts from anyone who's been on this or who went off of it? My counts have been very good. I see the doctor every 2 months. Cost of drug worries us as $16,775.00 per month. I currently have Neuropathy pretty bad in the…
Season of Gratitude
Good morning and happy Fall! The season of gratitude is upon us! What are you thankful for?
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Any Exciting Plans For this Weekend?!
Good Morning! Checking in to see what people have planned for this weekend! I will be spending time on the soccer field all weekend.
Remembering Greg
Okay, maybe all of the former members have gone away but I am hoping that maybe THIS thread will get some people talking. Everyone that was here in the previous "life" of this site knew Greg, and I would say that everyone loved him so very much and respected his opinions and posts. They followed his journey. One thing I…
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Please join us in recognizing ovarian cancer month by wearing teal!
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Please join us in recognizing ovarian cancer month by wearing teal!
SHARE YOUR QUOTES! WhatNext is looking for inspiring and motivating quotes to share with our community. Are you living with cancer or caring for someone who is? Your words could empower others! Comment below with your diagnosis and a quote that has inspired you along your journey. By commenting below, you are giving…
Just testing, please ignore.
Spring & Renewal
Spring is here. A time of growth, hope, renewal and promise. Anyone around? I would love to hear from some of you as to what promising things are happening in your journey. Progress made? Remission? Just starting out on this journey but you now have answers and are ready to move forward?
Livewithcancer and BuckeyeShelby
Has anyone heard from Livewithcancer or BuckeyeShelby? I'm getting worried about them.
It's finally the season of BBQs, graduations, and vacations! Anyone have anything they're celebrating, or any trips planned? My daughter graduated elementary school last week and will be joining her brother in middle school in the Fall 😧. Looking forward to lots of family camping trips until then! ⛺️
Guilty Pleasure Binge watching
I must be one of the few people who didn't get on the Grey's Anatomy bandwagon when the show first started. About 2 months ago I started seeing a lot of "shorts" and "reels" on social media and I decided I needed context for some of them. SO, I started watching and I am now on Season 12. Twelve seasons in two months! I am…
I couldn't believe it when I was told I had T...
I couldn't believe it when I was told I had Type 2 Diabetes.i was devastated I love sweets!
5 Facts About Bile Duct Cancer
Decision Point | To continue treatment
Poor prognosis, increased chance if participating in treatment but lots of side effects and unsure about outcome
The Wrong One
I am in a season of life right now where I have many friends going through really hard times. I always seem to say the wrong thing. There are always well meaning people who want to try to cheer you up or keep you positive when you first get that cancer diagnosis, or when you are getting to a point where they think you are…
SHARE YOUR QUOTES! WhatNext is looking for inspiring and motivating quotes to share with our community. Are you living with cancer or caring for someone who is? Your words could empower others! Comment below with your diagnosis and a quote that has inspired you along your journey. By commenting below, you are giving…
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nia Maya & Nicole, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Hello from WHATNEXT!
Hello WHATNEXT community! We are Nicole & Nia Maya, Advocacy & Recruitment Specialists here at WHATNEXT. We wanted to pop in to introduce ourselves and give a quick update regarding our revamp. We've been working hard behind the scenes to build back a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community! Please take a minute to…
Whatnext sure has changed!
I am so grateful to say I am still in remission as of December 2023. That marked 5 years since my last chemo in 2018. I know so many teal sisters are still fighting constant battles and my heart is with you all. My original diagnosis of 3c was in 2014, so if my remission continues, it will be 10 years from diagnosis this…
Recurrence of Synovial Sarcomas
I lost my lower left leg and foot to synovial sarcoma then had four more recurrences in the first of seven years. It's been 13 years, six since I went through treatment for the fifth time. I was told it is when not if it will return and I'm being watched to make sure my lungs are clear and my liver is clear. My rad doc…
Guiding Lights/Shining Stars
I posted recently to ask people to come back and share a memory of Greg- our former fearless and powerful leader. Greg was certainly not the only person I admired on this site. Though we can certainly keep his memory alive and remember the great influence he had, I am hoping that we establish a rebirth of this site with…
What have you learned about yourself since your cancer diagnosis? Are you more resilient? More positive? More apprehensive? Do you find yourself wanting to research everything? Do you trust what your doctors say and go with the flow or do you want to find alternative treatments? Or research studies? Do you have adequate…
A Look Back
In a short few weeks, it will be the 4th anniversary of the ONLY time I have been called back to have follow-up imaging done after a mammogram. It will be the 4 year anniversary of the day the word "cancer" became a part of my life and my body. I don't know a woman alive who has been called back for imaging, or asked to…