Ms. Jane, our prolific writer/researcher, has a great post to fuel the flames about the "wearing a m
Member Posts: 742
Take a look at it here. This is written with the cancer patient in mind. Take a look at the article at this link>>
Great article. Why is this so difficult? I've just watched the news reporting the partying over the 4th of July. All I can do is shake my head.0
We saw a story about a bunch of college kids having a "corona party" to see who could get infected first. It's good to see that they are putting their college education to good use. I hope their parents get a refund.0
Great article. I just went down the list of risk factors and hubby has 8/10. I disinfect everything that comes into the house and all common surfaces to protect him yet I have a hard time getting him to wash his hands. He's cancelled all his doctor's appointments including his PET scan but has gone shopping twice for fish for his new fish tank and is planning to go to a nail salon and get a haircut this week. Frustrating.
I didn't know that the cloth masks were recommended for lung cancer patients. I have the blue medical looking ones, cloth ones that shrunk, gators and a few N95 masks. I'll be curious to see what he does this week.0 -
Excellent! Prudence 101. As it is with common sense, few seem to possess it these days. For 5 years (as of the 17th of this month), I have worn mask and gloves. Almost nothing has changed for me during the pandemic. To all of the exhortation regarding masks, I would add only the three Ws:
1. Wear gloves.
3. Watch those hands.
We touch our faces several times per hour, particularly our itchy eyes (mucous membranes). This virus, by most authorities, invades the body via our mucous membranes, i.e. eyes, mouth, nose. Touch that item, that countertop, that package, that shopping cart, then scratch an itchy eye - we may have infected ourselves. We touch surfaces throughout the day, and the virus is likely to be on some of those surfaces. Receiving a lot of packages lately? We are, as we are shopping online for nearly everything. So, hand sanitation and gloves are as important to prevent infection as masks can be.
As Red Green said: "I'm pullin' for ya. We're all in this together."0 -
This is pretty simple for me. It doesn't bother me to wear a mask, it certainly isn't going to hurt me, and very well might help me and others, so why NOT?0
Most people in our town wear masks inside.
The other day I was at the grocery, two young men were in there, buying their supplies of beer and taco chips for the Fourth; no masks, no baths, and plenty of attitude.
They were getting a lot of stink-eye from others. I heard one of them say, "I ain't got no virus, why should I wear no %#*! ing mask.
There ya' go!0 -
Molly72, and there you have it. The spiking age range is coming down, and then there are these idiot parties going on where they are trying to get infected. The huge pool parties, bars packed full. Nobody thinks it's a big deal.
If we were to really, for real, be attacked by another country with a virus or something like this, we would all be done for because everyone seems to be dumber than a rock.
I guess it will be "natural selection".0 -
Greg--- I think of the attitude of the American people during WW2 and then compare it to what's going on today especially with the young people. Our men & women protected our country, our people and the world at one time. Now it appears they are doing just the opposite with the help of many government leaders.
Now I am feeling guilty about my attitude towards these scofflaws. Sometimes I just see these kids partying, then getting sick & just think, well, that's just nature's way of putting chlorine in the gene pool.0 -
Good article.
I no longer feel guilt about not caring what happens to anyone who is so selfish as to refuse to wear a mask. My only regret is that these dolts will affect the health of others, especially hospital staffers.
Few people love wearing a mask, and we look forward to the time when we can bare our faces freely. We wear a mask because we are part of a community and want to protect others as well as ourselves.0 -
It's amazing to me that those who are not sick with any health problem at all cannot understand that by not wearing a mask and inadvertently spreading this virus around, they are putting everyone who is "sick" at risk.0
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