
Coopswifey Member Posts: 8
edited 2020 01 in General Cancer
I’ve been on Tamoxifen for about 5 months now. I’m having pain in my knees and my calves. Does anyone know if this is a side effect from the medication. I walk every day and try not sitting for too long but some days my legs hurt a lot.


  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 01
    Sorry you're having those side effects. I can't answer that as it's not in my diagnosis, but I'm sure others will. I hope you get some relief.
  • Dltmoll
    Dltmoll Member Posts: 71
    edited 2020 01
    I've not had that side effect, but Drugs.com does list leg pain as a possible serious side effect. Are some of the other aromatase inhibitors options for you? I went from all of the AIs to tamoxifen; my arthritis is worse, but the AIs were unbearable in terms of joint pain for me. Many people have no issues, others of us have a tough time. Don't put up with it without checking with your doctor.
  • SunshineandHope
    SunshineandHope Member Posts: 1
    edited 2020 01
    This sounds silly... but it works. Put a bar of soap at the end of your bed, by your feet. Cramping and pain possibly will disappear in a week or two!
  • omaalyce
    omaalyce Member Posts: 48
    edited 2020 01
    I started on Letrozole and my joint pain was awful. I am on Tamoxifen now. I still have joint pain and night leg cramps. I was recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis which adds to the pain. I take shots for the RA pain and Magnesium tablets for the leg cramps. Definitely agree, talk to your doctor about it. Hope you get relief soon!
  • 2943
    2943 Member Posts: 94
    edited 2020 01
    Make sure you advise your doctor. Many have had issues with aromatase ( I ended up with painful permanent neuropathy where walking almost impossible). Hugs to you!
  • gpgirl70
    gpgirl70 Member Posts: 19
    edited 2020 01
    I really don’t mean to alarm you, but contact your oncologist because tamoxifen can give you clots. My mom had leg pain and shortness of breath and they discovered blood clots in her legs. She had to take meds for the clots and then switched to an AI. I hope you find relief soon.
  • banditwalker
    banditwalker Member Posts: 38
    edited 2020 01
    I've been on Arimidex for 6 yrs now and was having pain that would travel. For exapmple in the morning it would be in my ankles, then arms, so on and so on. I started taking tumeric 2 months ago and it has really helped. On occasion I will take Meloxicam. It is an anti-inflammatory. It works really well also.