FDA approved treatment method for Covid-19
Member Posts: 742
Did you know that the FDA recently approved a treatment that reduces the chance of community spread of COVID-19 by 5X?
Its trade name is called Wearamaskasshole. Side effects include mild inconvenience, possible victim complex, fear of people thinking you are a sheeple, being ostracized by your anti-vax pandemic bros, and the power to stop your own asymptomatic transmission as this country stubbornly dives right on into that second wave.
Check with your doctor, or anyone really, to see if Wearamaskasshole is right for you. Now available without a prescription!
Its trade name is called Wearamaskasshole. Side effects include mild inconvenience, possible victim complex, fear of people thinking you are a sheeple, being ostracized by your anti-vax pandemic bros, and the power to stop your own asymptomatic transmission as this country stubbornly dives right on into that second wave.
Check with your doctor, or anyone really, to see if Wearamaskasshole is right for you. Now available without a prescription!
Isn't that also known as FU2AH? Having worn mask and gloves, and socially distancing since my most recent birth date of July 17th, 2015, I really notice no difference! There are an awful lot of others. even at the treatment center, who need that prescription and like 'right now'. It has come to the point where I wait for empty elevators and then hold my breath for the 5 floor ride. Good thing that the GvHD has left my lungs alone so far!0
PO, it's just amazing the people that refuse to wear a mask. Those are usually associated with the bunch that thinks the "man" is sucking out their brain juice through the mask, so they ain't doing it! And, by the way, I know we never landed on the moon, I demand to see those aliens and we blew up our own trade center.
In Nashville, there is a pretty good representation of people wearing them, but the farther out of the population you get the worse it gets. We live in the sticks and nobody is worried about it around here.
I guess I will have to go back in the ground for another 6 months like the groundhogs do.0 -
Bunches of kids refuse. I can't tell you how many restaurants ... mostly fast food types ... where the kids either have no mask at all or they are wearing them around their throats. This is after the county has insisted that masks be used any time you are outside of your home since the virus is spreading so crazily here in hot Texas.
My mom went to the beauty shop today. She said there were 3 ladies waiting. (And the level of care practiced by the beauty salon is decreasing, not increasing with the virus spread - they used to only let one person in - anyone else had to wait outside to be called in ... of course, it is hot here). Two of them had on their masks. The third had hers stuffed in her pocket. The sign on the door said you had to have a mask. I guess it didn't say you have to WEAR the mask.
I'll just say - I HATE wearing a mask. I can't breathe. They're not comfortable. But, I put one on before I go anywhere else that there will be people...0 -
From Twitter:
John Lundin @johnlundin - 13:54 UTC · 24 Jun 2020
A mask is not a political statement. It's an IQ test.0 -
I am currently in NC, and the cases are on the rise here. On Friday, the governor made it mandatory to wear a mask. I did some errands yesterday, and I could not believe how many people, young and old, were not wearing masks. It 's such a simple thing to do. I just can't understand why people refuse to wear one. Do I like it? No. Is it hot? Yes. Does it fog up my glasses? Yes. Is it hard for people to hear me? Yes. Those are not valid reasons to not wear one. If it is gong to help us get out of the pandemic, I am all for it.0
I like the graphic I saw on FB that shows a person wearing a mask and the text says, "this is not uncomfortable" then another picture shows a person intubated, the text for that says "THIS is uncomfortable". True words there. But this is sort of like seat belts and motorcycle helmets, people are probably not going to do it the more you try to force them. The only difference is if you don't wear your seatbelt, you might be killed. If you don't wear your mask, I might be killed. There's a little difference.0
We've had record cases in Georgia over the past five days. Seems that most people still believe this is a hoax and restrictions are an infraction of their rights. One of my good friends has bought into the conspiracy theory that it's all because we are testing more. For me and my hubby, we are staying home.0
And if you wear a mask you're ruining your lungs.Plus!
And most people in the world are brain wash by the government.
Your life is already planned before you're even born from beginning to the end, in this world..Then Eternal Life for God's children> (The Church)>The Body of Christ).And the ones not saved I won't even talk about it.It' going to be bad if people don't accept Jesus as their Saviour(the gif of Salvation through His Blood).Time is short. We're in the season seeing the end days right now.The rapture is coming .
Romans 3:25
Revelation22:200 -
@JaneA, I do believe the numbers are going up because people have relaxed. That said, the more people are tested, the more cases they will discover. I am not saying that's the only reason it's going up by any means. But it's like that for any disease or virus. The more tests you run, the more cases you are likely to find. The more cases will be reported. You can't report cases you don't know about (well, that's a little debatable now that they are reporting pretty much everything as COVID related, but I digress...)
Anyhow, we definitely need to get more diligent about mandating mask wearing and distancing and all of that lovely stuff.0 -
The theory that the only reason there are more cases is because of more testing is like saying that the only reason we had a record-setting 7 days in a row of 85 degrees this week is that there are more thermometers. More testing doesn't fill up the hospitals with people dying from the virus. Common sense is no common anymore.0
Is it rude to ask someone nicely to wear a mask when one is out in public? Ideas?
I do realize that there is the possibility of being shot or punched, but people need to be aware that their behaviors are not only inconsiderate but dangerous.
Our own dear leaders refuse to follow medical advice and refuse to accept the fact that the pandemic is getting worse. They are setting a terrible example, and sadly, many follow their actions. But still, one might hope that science and common sense will rule, maybe!
0 -
There definitely ARE more tests happening. I took my husband to the eye doctor the other day (at a hospital facility) and they were doing the COVID test before letting you go to your appointment. (My rebellious husband walked right by them while they were busy ... with no mask on ... he would have skipped his appt before getting that test ... got on the elevator to the 6th floor and got his temperature and a mask once there. I wonder how many others did that? And whether others might have been infected?)
With that said, I totally agree that there really are more cases. We were having a new case or two a day reported in our town of 60,000. Now, that number is jumping by 10 or more per day ... and we've had two more deaths recently. That brings it to 4 deaths ... with the first two happening very early in the game.
My husband and I had relaxed some for awhile - going out to eat at a restaurant where we're all like family (and where masks nor gloves were worn by customers or workers), going to stores, etc. - but we're back to staying pretty much in our house all of the time again.
One thing about this virus that is so frustrating is that no one knows what to expect out of it. The experts just knew it was going to die when it got hot. Not so. We're plenty hot here and it is thriving. In fact, most of the states with a big uptick have really hot summers.
And, one minute they told us masks don't work and then they say they work to protect others, but not you ... and I am pretty sure I have also heard that they protect both the wearer and others ... the changing information is frustrating ... understandable in some cases since no one seems to truly know how this virus works and we get new information as they discover more about how it works or they think it works.
One minute I hear that, yes, there are more cases, but they're milder and then I hear that our hospitals are filling up again. I know that a person under 20 and one in the 20s died here (in the vicinity) recently - but we mostly hear that young people are usually not even impacted much by the disease...
So ... I hate masks but I wear one because it can't hurt. It might not help, but it might. I social distance because it might help. I mostly stay in my own little cocoon right here at home because that seems safest, even though I long to be able to just go to the store whenever I wish or go out to lunch with my friends, etc.0 -
It's mandatory in NJ to wear a mask anytime you go into a store but elsewhere I see people without masks. My daughter is one of those who think breathing your own CO2 is going to harm your lungs so she only wears a mask when absolutely necessary.Her kids don't even have them. My son is just the opposite. He hasn't set foot in any store since this started back in March. He'll p/u food but he doesn't set foot in a restaurant. I go food shopping now after ordering online for the first couple of months but wear a mask and gloves. My car keys are in a zipper bag. I use one credit card that's in an outside pocket of my purse. I wear gloves to wipe down the food before I put it away. My husband is high risk. I wouldn't take the chance. Our hair and nail salons just opened this past week. I had to wear a mask, they took my temperature and took down contact info for tracing. I also wore gloves but that was my choice. My hairdresser lives in FL but comes back to NJ for several days a month to cut hair. This time she drove rather than risk flying because she stays with her not so young parents. She was wearing one of those welder type masks. She told me that she wore a cloth mask for 10 hours the day before and got a nose bleed.
My favorite meme I saw on Facebook showed someone wearing a mask below their nose and equated it to a male wearing his underwear below his penis. Best graphic ever!0 -
@MyLungCancer, I think the theory behind the belief of "more cases because of more testing" should say "More KNOWN cases revealed by more testing." There are people who have not been tested because either they believe they just have seasonal allergies, or they are scared of getting the nasal swab." There may be unknown cases because people don't get tested. There are also more cases being brought to light because testing is now more available. So the uptick in known cases may be rising due to the fact they are testing more. I think the main thing the 'testing" people are saying is that more incidents are known. Thank goodness they are though. Now these people can be treated or made to do the right thing.
Yes, the rise is also due to people not being careful and reducing exposure.0 -
Very vivid demonstration of effects of face mask wearing.
https://www.boredpanda.com/no-mask-vs-mask-experiment-rich-davis/?cexp_id=30030&cexp_var=22&_f=featured&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic0 -
Kp2018 thanks for posting the video. I shared it to Facebook. Even though it's done with bacteria, it's still a good demo of distancing and wearing a mask.0
Paperpusher, you're welcome. Thank YOU for sharing it. The more people who get this kind of understandable information, the more mask wearing there may be.0
Donna and I have an RN Niece who works for the Knox county health dept. in Knoxville, she is utterly amazed at the people who are going blindly into this and refuse to understand the implications of not complying.0
GregP_WN My daughter who is anti-mask has friends in the medical field who got the virus. She was taking food to them at home so I don't understand her stance at all.0
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