Unnecessary chemo?
My friend had lumpectomy 3 weeks ago. NED in lymph nodes, declared stage 1. Doctor recommended chemo 1 X weekly for 1 year! Any explanation, anyone?
Has anyone here been tested positive for covid?
I have been extra careful to stay home, stay away, limited visitors, wear a mask when a select few have stopped by, and one slip!! My sister stopped by, without a mask, grabs me and hugs me. And she's the type that will run rampant through the fire thinking she won't get burned. Now I'm paranoid.
You ever notice that the night before surgery sleep is nowhere to be found?
Between the snoring in the room and noise in the city coupled with my mind racing, I should have just stayed up all night. So here we are, cover me I'm going in!
Anyone want to join me?
I am an early riser. I do some meditation, contemplation, prayer, reflection, or study, upon arising - which is usually around 6:00/6:30 am. I think I mentioned before I am a woman of faith, and so tomorrow morning I am planning to pray for a good outcome for our friend, Greg. I know not everyone shares my beliefs, but I…
Will side effects from chemo start the first day after treatment?
Or is it delayed? I've talked to a couple of people that said they were getting sick even on the way home from the first treatment. Then others have said they didn't feel anything for a few days. Is it always this much all over the place with side effects?
Ms. @JaneA has a good article today with some information about brain cancer. It is one of the most
You can see it on the blog page by clicking the word "Blog" in the purple bar at the top of any page, or just click this link>> https://bit.ly/2zCDxEy
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
2 lymph nodes removed for biopsy, Bone marrow biopsy
Thinking about cancer all the time can really get to me. My mind starts racing focusing on the wrong
So I try to do a few things that I dearly love. I love gardening, when I can get outside, I love knitting, so I do that when I can't go outside, and I love to cook new things for the family when I have the energy to do it. Experimenting with new recipes keeps my mind occupied. Do any of you do things like this? What do you…
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
I was told the growth was large enough to warrant the total removal of my thyroid and that this was the first step of treatment. I did a lot of reading and watched a lot of videos about the procedure and always ended up crying, feeling bad for myself. All of this happened during my winter break. I had just started graduate…
Oh No | Health insurance issue
I convinced myself that the bump on my neck was nothing. It didn’t hurt, so it was fine. My boyfriend said it was fine, my younger sister said it was fine, I thought it was fine. I was young, active, healthy, fine. I cancelled care with the clinic enraged by the bill for a visit where I filled out paperwork, and declared I…
Oh No | Problem with doctor
It was my senior year of college and it dawned on me that I didn’t have a doctor and hadn’t had a basic check up since I was in elementary school. The most I had done was a physical exam to do high school sports. I decided to apply to be a new patient with a clinic in my college town that would accept my mom’s work…
How do you feel about the whole being a burden thing?
I can't help feeling like I am a burden on family and friends. I apologize for things like needing someone to pick up things for me, or helping me do something around the house that I used to be able to do by myself. I just can't help it. I've never been the type to ask for anything.
Anyone else have a family member residing in any kind of healthcare or other type of communal living
As I've mentioned before my mom (94) now resides at a senior skilled nursing facility because of a crippling stroke suffered about a year and a half ago. In these times of encouraged self isolation these folks are literally trapped in a communal living situation with staff moving in and out daily. I just found out tonight…
I have been on radiation for about 3 weeks and it's getting hard.
This is my third week of radiation and it has already gotten bad. It is so painful to swallow, a few sips of water is all I can do now. The only pain releaver I have, Oxycodone 5 mg, seems useless. I'm doing the magic mouthwash but I gag on it. What can help get through this?
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
First treatment, minor nausea
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Removed a lymph node to get diagnosis
Side Affects
Well hope some one can help me. I went through Ileostomy in Jan. started taking Chemo pills in March for 4 months to finish cancer treatment. My problem is the side affects I am having now taking these pills then when I was taking them for radiation. I get really dizzy and can't walk far without it over coming me and I…
How has your week been and what do you have coming up this week?
Scans, tests, surgery, covid tests, a new treatment plan? Do we have anyone that is finishing treatment and ready to get on with life? Let's hear what's happening.
I don't know how to describe what I've heard more than once or twice from some people.
I've had a strange response from a few when I told them about my cancer diagnosis. It is "oh my God, are you going to die"? Or, "how much time did they give you"? Why do people automatically assume that we're all going to die? As one of the popular songs says, "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go now".
Happy Mother's Day to all of the Moms here at WhatNext
Thank you for all you do for your families, all of us wouldn't be here without you and we appreciate everything you do for us, take the day off and relax!!
Frequently Asked Questions
There is always a list of F.A.Q.'s on most websites. I am putting one together for the basic questions we often hear/see. What question would you put on that list, and what's the answer?
Side Effects | Nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy)
When touch cold, feels like knives going into my fingertips
I am contemplating having the DIEP procedure ...
I am contemplating having the DIEP procedure done and I am interested in hearing from women who've gone through the experience.
I'm having trouble staying focused on the positive things in my life
and off of the negative. How do you keep from dwelling on death, or what your family's life would be like without you?
We have a guest blog post on the blog page today from Ms Norma
She is a stage IIIA breast cancer survivor, take a look at her story here>> https://bit.ly/2L7yvTb then let me know if you would like to share your own story.
Today, May 6th, 2020, is National Nurses Day. The first day of National Nurses Week. Thank a nurse t
HISTORY OF NATIONAL NURSES DAY National Nurses Day is the first day of National Nursing Week, which concludes on May 12, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Yet the week was first observed in the US in October 1954 to mark the 100th anniversary of Nightingale’s pioneering work in Crimea. In 1953, Dorothy Sutherland of the…
I'm waiting for a scan report and call from the doctor.
I feel like I'm sitting on the railroad tracks watching a train coming towards me and I know I'm going to just sit here. Anybody else get that feeling?
Medical needs and back up generators
This round of storms we had on Saturday afternoon stirred some thoughts about "what if". I have a suction machine for the mucus that I build up, in case my airway gets plugged it could be life saving. Other people need oxygen machines running, some have IV pumps, etc. There are a lot that depend on electricity. Do any of…
Is your area, City, Town, County, State opening back up now?
There is a lot of controversy about this. Our area is slowly trying to wake up. I hope it doesn't explode again!
Celebration | Day one of Stem Cell Transplant
I’m now 6 months Post Stem Cell still weekly blood tests and doctors appointment