How many of you are thrust into home schooling since the pandemic? The added stress is about to get

Bloodproblems Member Posts: 31
edited 2022 13 in Multiple Myeloma
First, I have about all the stress I can take dealing with MM, then I have been given the tasks of teaching the kids what they should be doing at school. It just seems like too much for me to handle. Anyone else feeling like a burn out?


  • dollymama
    dollymama Member Posts: 3
    edited 2020 19
    I will admit that I now have a newfound appreciation for my kid's teachers!
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 19
    I have been soooooooooooo happy that I do not have children at home. Some people are teachers and some are not. I am not.

    I can't imagine how hard it is for you guys who have your kiddos at home 24-hours-a-day - getting them taught, keeping them entertained ... and then, lots of folks, trying to work their regular jobs from home.

    I have a cousin who is a teacher and I can tell you that it is frustrating as all get-out for them too!!! She was going to retire at the end of this year, but she's missed her kids so badly during this pandemic that she's decided to keep working.
  • cllinda
    cllinda Member Posts: 153
    I haven't had to deal with this because my kids are adults now but my daughter and son in law are both teachers and this trying to teach while raising two little kids is hard. The almost five year old can be pacified but the younger one decides to have a fit the second someone goes to teach remotely. So they have to tag team it. One goes online while the other one takes care of the almost two year old. It's rough in their house. They seem overwhelmed by the concept of teaching at home.