Getting ready for chemo for the first time? Our blog post today has things you need to know.
Member Posts: 742
New patients will often say that the thought of going through chemo is the scariest part of their diagnosis. Most of the time a lot of the stories about chemo are blown out of proportion. It's tough, don't misunderstand, but it's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be, and, it beats the alternative to not having treatment.
Take a look at our article here>>
Take a look at our article here>>
Good information that I wished I could have seen before I started. Some things they just don't tell you.0
I agree with all that was said but would add...take it easy. Some people are able to walk every day during chemo. Some just want to sit. Try to do something.every day but do not feel discouraged if you just can't. And if food starts to taste weird, give it a day and try again. My tastes changed daily...never sure whatvwas going to taste good.0
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