Who has had comfort food cravings during the pandemic? I remember cravings for chocolate chip mint ice cream when I was pregnant and I had an absolute obsession for potato salad throughout my chemo treatments. During this time of social distancing and stay at home my husband and I , have demolished five tubs of red…
Celebration | Received Mastectomy Bra
This was a bittersweet celebration. I am glad to have a bra that makes my chest area look a little more balanced. I am glad I don't have to try to figure out ways to put a zillion things in my bra that get bunched up or fall out. It is a much nicer bra than I anticipated it would be. I thought it was going to be really…
I am being treated for bone cancer with Doxorubicin (Adriamycin®) Cisplatin. Etoposide
It seems to stir up the pain in my bones. I can tell that it's the chemo making it worse because the pain gets worse for a few days after treatment then it slowly goes away. Do any of you have this bone pain from chemo?
Did you get our Newletter this morning in your email inbox?
We have just published our May Newsletter, you should get it in your email inbox that you used when you signed up on the WhatNext site. If you haven't been getting notifications and emails from the site please let us know and we will see if your email has been blocked. Our Newsletter can be seen here>>…
Anyone having difficulty isolating from family?
I'm struggling trying to be the caretaker for my 89 yo mother and 96 yo step-dad. I've been arranging for grocery deliveries and even managed to get some plants delivered since I know how much my mom loves to garden. Yet, all she does is complain that she would not have selected that tomato, or that plant, etc. She got…
Does anyone here have any experience with agent orange that may be responsible for your cancer?
I was exposed during my days in Vietnam, but I haven't looked into it.
Getting ready for chemo for the first time? Our blog post today has things you need to know.
New patients will often say that the thought of going through chemo is the scariest part of their diagnosis. Most of the time a lot of the stories about chemo are blown out of proportion. It's tough, don't misunderstand, but it's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be, and, it beats the alternative to not having…
Email Digest
Not getting the digest email for a few weeks now.
Celebration | Remission
It is the third time I hear the words, "Treatment has attained remission." When I first heard it for the first time, I celebrated and thanked God to have made it through. But it returned 9 months later, and I had to undergo an 18-month treatment for Relapse. When I finished that treatment, I heard the words, "Treatment has…
Procedure or Surgery | Mastectomy
Had positive anterior margins.
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
I've had 2 recurrences since 2015.
Summer time is coming! Just a PSA about protecting yourself from the harmful rays of the sun!
I am one of those who spent their youth sunbathing, going to tanning booths in the winter to have that perfect tan before summer, and never giving skin cancer a second thought. Now I live with the consequences. May is skin cancer awareness month. Even if it's not your type of cancer I urge you to post a graphic, link to a…
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Immunotherapy-Keytruda
Trying 3 rounds of Keytruda via IV, another drug recommended by Dana Farber. This was FDA approved in the fall of 2019 after clinical trials showed promising results in patients with advanced endometrial cancer. Feeling optimistic.
Procedure or Surgery | CT scan
CT scan repeated following 3 rounds of Avastin. Results showed drug did not help and tumors are continuing to grow. Feeling defeated.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Immunotherapy-Avastin
Trying another immunotherapy drug called Avastin via IV. Plan is to do 3 rounds, every 3 weeks followed by CT scan again.
Oh No | Cancer has spread/Metastasized
After 3 months on the Olaparib, CT Scan taken showed it didn't work with existing tumors growing along with new ones showing up.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Immunotherapy -Olaparib
Went on Olaparib for 3 months as my Oncologist recommended and the Dana Farber Oncologist recommended. Had no side effects from it.
How many of you are thrust into home schooling since the pandemic? The added stress is about to get
First, I have about all the stress I can take dealing with MM, then I have been given the tasks of teaching the kids what they should be doing at school. It just seems like too much for me to handle. Anyone else feeling like a burn out?
Procedure or Surgery | Implant chemotherapy port
It wasn't as bad as everyone told me and it makes doing my chemotherapy so much easier I wished I would have got my port sooner, I always was an easy stick until chemotherapy it destroyed my veins with my port I don't stress like I did I'm very happy with my decision.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
My chemotherapy treatment is with gemcitabine and cisplatin along with dexamethasone I do have really bad hot flashes when I take the dexamethasone but other than that the nausea I had for years so I'm use to that and my oncologist prescribed zofran and it helps, I had very thick hair it is thin now but I'm not worried…
After you are finished with treatments, how long are you considered immunocomprimised?
I have at least 6 months to a year more of treatments but I am worried about all of this virus going around and thinking about will I always have to be on guard about everything, flu, colds, etc.? Will I have to walk around with a mask, stay away from people for good?
When you were diagnosed with cancer, was it the first health condition you have had?
I hear about people with a laundry list of health problems and cancer just seems to be the destination, but when you've never even been to a doctor for a serious problem, cancer seems like a jump over the line.
I read a quote in an article today that is quite catchy and makes you think.
"We’ll never know if we’ve survived cancer until we die of something else. The trick is to make the time between now and then count." If you think about it, we can be cancer free for years, then here it comes again. I was 18 years out from my second diagnosis when #3 came to visit. So we could be 75 and cancer free for 40…
Getting your mind off of cancer over the weekend, how?
After dealing with cancer for months and months it has become what seems like a full time job. When the weekend comes I try to act just like I would normally and do things we enjoy. But I can't seem to get cancer out of my mind. How do you do it? Or can you?
My wife died on Mother's day, May 10th from M...
My wife died on Mother's day, May 10th from MDS, an illness called Pre-leukemia. She was cancer free after chemo treatments but the result of the chemo was fatal. My heart is broken. Our 57th wedding anniversary was today, May18th.
I am having to start treatment again, have anyone had this combination of drugs in chemo?
5 FU Carboplatin Cetuximab Any feedback on results, side effects, ups, downs, etc. would be appreciated.
Email Digest
I'm now missing my digest for at least a couple of weeks.Updates do all kinds of screw ups to my browser,etc.
So something strange is happening with some of my friends.
At first, all of my girlfriends were around almost every day. They would call, text, stop by, bring supper for the family, and do lots of great things for the whole family. But now, it's like the new has worn off of the new toy and they don't want to play anymore. I haven't heard a peep out of a couple, no yet, no calls,…
Always cold
Are many of you like me? It seems that I am always cold. I have been in remission for over a year now, but I am cold all day. I always have a quilt wrapped around me and even then I am often still very cold. If I say it is cold my daughter says it’s just me. Are any of you experiencing this as well?
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers here! We've just had some of our kids visiting.
I'm curious if this is just me or if anyone else feels this way too. And is it from the cancer or what? I love my kids, love to see the grandkids, but after they (or anyone) is here for an hour or two I'm ready for them to go. I don't have the patience I did and I'm wanting to go sit in my chair again. I can't help but…