I am having to start treatment again, have anyone had this combination of drugs in chemo?

NeckCancer Member Posts: 20
edited 2020 19 in General Cancer
5 FU

Any feedback on results, side effects, ups, downs, etc. would be appreciated.


  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 19
    I got carboplatin when my cancer was first discovered. I don't know about the other two drugs you're getting. My carboplatin was also given in concert with other drugs. In my case, Alimta and Avastin made up the trio with carboplatin.

    I can't say for sure which drug called what side effect, but for me, chemo was definitely not a walk in the park. No matter what we tried, severe nausea was a side-effect of every treatment. It only lasted a few days, but those few days were horrible. I experienced fatigue, especially the first week after a treatment.

    Everyone reacts differently. Lots of people made it through chemo without any nausea at all.

    I hope you will be one of those who sails through treatment and soon gets a report that your cancer is gone!
  • Richardc
    Richardc Member Posts: 10
    edited 2020 19
    I had combination of carboplatin and Taxol. Left me very tired. But usually didn’t have nausea and other symptoms until about three days after each treatment. The doctors were able to adjust my other medications steroids that lessened the side effects. Your doctor has seen it all. Don’t hesitate to share any problems you have as you go through treatment. We’ll keep you in our prayers.
  • smlroger
    smlroger Member Posts: 16
    edited 2020 19
    My first chemo was with Cetuximab. I had no side affect or problems with the chemo, my choice as the platin options had too many side affects that I didn't want to deal with. Did eight treatments along with 35 radiation treatments. At the end, cancer appeared gone. Nothing showing. Then three years later the throat cancer was back in my bones. A total surprise to everyone. Then I had to do Taxol with carboplatin. That regiment kicked my ass seven ways from Sunday. Total loss of all hair, weight loss, severe fatigue, neuropathy in both hands and feet. No nausea ever. Go figure. We finally stopped the chemo with two treatments left because of the neuropathy getting so bad. It did finally leave my hands pretty much but never went away in feet. A real problem at times.
    I have since read that Cetuximab is no longer recommended for my throat cancer type because of the cancer coming back. PLEASE remember that I did Cetuximab as a stand alone chemo treatment. I do not want to cause any doubts as to what your treatment team is recommending.I hope this has been some help. I wish you the best. Like most of us, you are tough.