Summer time is coming! Just a PSA about protecting yourself from the harmful rays of the sun!

dollymama Member Posts: 3
edited December 2022 in Skin Cancer - Melanoma
I am one of those who spent their youth sunbathing, going to tanning booths in the winter to have that perfect tan before summer, and never giving skin cancer a second thought. Now I live with the consequences. May is skin cancer awareness month. Even if it's not your type of cancer I urge you to post a graphic, link to a youtube video about the dangers, or just a brief mention about being careful. We can't protect everyone, but everyone can warn someone!
Enjoy your Summer!


  • Molly72
    Molly72 Member Posts: 227
    edited May 2020
    Me too, but back then the danger was not known.
    I am somewhat peeved at those who blame me for not knowing that the sun causes cancer 50 years ago. -- Especially my dermatologist!

    P.S. We haven't seen the sun yet here in the Midwest!
  • SuckItCancer
    SuckItCancer Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2020
    I too was probably a victim of the hype and pressure to have that tan body back years ago. Did it cause my cancer? Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is for sure if I hadn't done that all those years I could eliminate that as a possible cause.
  • mom2two
    mom2two Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2020
    I too would lay out in my back yard as a teen and in my 20's, also used a tanning bed into my 30's. As soon as it became known how bad tanning beds are, I stopped using them. However after all those years of tanning, I'm sure it was too late for me and I was diagnosed with Melanoma 5 years ago. I still have spots removed about every 6 months by my Dermatologist. Better safe than sorry!
  • Terri
    Terri Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2020
    Lots of sun over the years on my pasty Irish skin. Now I have melanoma. It was a mistake but who knew!
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 394
    edited May 2020
    My friends and I layed in the sun for hours on end in our high school years and afterwards. The objective was to get as brown as possible. My mom used to stand at the back door and call out to us that the sun wasn't good for our skin and to come inside. She knew 40+ years ago. Of course, she was a very fair skinned redhead and had already had cancer cut out of her skin. Should have listened to mom.

    BTW, one of my friends still lays in the sun. She said she is not concerned about the risk and joked that she will look good in her coffin. Sigh.