Always cold
Member Posts: 19
Are many of you like me? It seems that I am always cold. I have been in remission for over a year now, but I am cold all day. I always have a quilt wrapped around me and even then I am often still very cold. If I say it is cold my daughter says it’s just me. Are any of you experiencing this as well?
I tend to have a cold nose, cold hands, and cold feet during winter - lingering effects from neuropathy caused by my chemo. But it's not awful.
I tend to also still have hot flashes even though I've been past menopause for a number of years. I think that chemo messes with everything. Since estrogen help control a woman's thermostat, and you had fallopian tube cancer, it's probable that your treatment affected your ovaries' ability to manufacture estrogen - or you may have had them removed, which you make you have "hot/cold" issues.
My solution was to order some fleece tops and fleece leggings and wear socks.0 -
Yes! I used to always run hot. Since treatment (going on three years) I am cold all the time. Whenever I'm just sitting watching TV I am always wrapped in a polar fleece banket. I used to always complain how hot the house was, now it's me sneaking up.the thermostat. I also have the cold toes and fingers from neuropathy. When it gets really cold here in winter it is torture to my hands and feet when I feed my horse.0
I am sitting here inside wearing a sweatshirt, winter pants & a huge full-length winter heavy fleece bathrobe.
In the winter, I even wear more! I am freezing cold except in the middle of summer.
Just had a blood test yesterday & I have kidney disease & anemia. Cold is one of the symptoms.
Tell your dr. next visit, maybe he can check your blood & see what's going on.0 -
Yes, after I had chemo, several years ago, I started being a cold-natured person. I have a couple of afghans on my chair that mom made me during my last diagnosis. Those are priceless.0
Have you taken your body temp? A really good idea during the current "happenings." If it is normal or close to normal, it could be reduced circulation near the nerve endings in your skin - which set off the cold detectors. If you really are cold, then it might be lingering damage to your immune system's ability to maintain normal temps. I'm with Molly72. Call doc.0
You may need iron. My oncologist told me to take iron and I take an iron tablet 4 times per week and it helps. Best wishes.0
Yes, my wife was cold when taking her oral chemo for 2 years. Then she lost that and was put on hormone blockers. Now, she has HOT FLASHES!! She loves it.0
i 2 have cold issues. I layer.i use a oil heater, wrap up in blankets. keep the thermostat on 74 or higher. in march I had 2 iron transfusion. I was so tired all the time like I was during chemo. when I went in for the 1st iron infusion I almost crawled in I was so tired. I started feeling better afterwards. but now I am feeling the same way again.0
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