Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers here! We've just had some of our kids visiting.
Member Posts: 31
I'm curious if this is just me or if anyone else feels this way too. And is it from the cancer or what? I love my kids, love to see the grandkids, but after they (or anyone) is here for an hour or two I'm ready for them to go. I don't have the patience I did and I'm wanting to go sit in my chair again. I can't help but feel like I'm being mean, but I never say anything to anyone.
I thought it was just me getting older. I find myself feeling that way too. But we do enjoy seeing our friends and relatives.0
I think we all get a little tired after going through treatments and just having the weight of the cancer on us. I think we psych ourselves up wondering how the day will go, wondering what people will say, how we will respond, and a million other little things we didn't think about before.
There are times I wish someone would stay a little longer with me just so I could have some human contact and just laugh or cry or whatever. Other times I am watching the clock like "When are you leaving????"0 -
Me too. I was never like this before. A couple of hours and I'm ready for a nap.
- Bloodproblems - I'm glad you got to see your family for Mother's Day. I was too afraid and told my family to stay home.0 -
At my house, cooking and keeping the conversation going and cleaning up the kitchen ... whatever ... it all fell to me. Even when my son wanted me to sit down and let him do it, it wasn't in my DNA to sit back and let someone else do what I am accustomed to doing. So, I totally agree ... having them come, as much as I loved them ... seeing them go was a relief because I could rest again with no expectations (even from myself). Just making conversation can be very tiring when you're not at the top of your game.0
When I was going through treatment many in my family wanted to come and "be there" for me. I had to tell them no. It's all I can manage to deal with treatments, side effects, exhaustion. I don't need a house full of people on top of that. Fortunately, for the most part, they were understanding. But even now I find I have limited endurance for or patience with house guests. So, no, you are not the only one.0
Well, I'm glad to know that it's not just me. I was starting to think that I hated my family or something because I want them to leave! I love them dearly, but like the others and you, I am good after a couple of hours and everyone can go home if they want. I won't shoe anyone out of the house, but I'm anxious for my own quiet time again.0
I understand.
I'm done at the half-hour mark.0 -
I find myself getting a little impatient .. lots of things seem so predictable, usual and customary .. I think I'm wanting something a bit more exciting to happen perhaps?? Thinking about time a lot lately .. I don't know .. but yes, I'm also getting impatient ..0
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