Anyone want to join me?
Member Posts: 528
I am an early riser. I do some meditation, contemplation, prayer, reflection, or study, upon arising - which is usually around 6:00/6:30 am. I think I mentioned before I am a woman of faith, and so tomorrow morning I am planning to pray for a good outcome for our friend, Greg. I know not everyone shares my beliefs, but I do think everyone has their unique version of petitioning whatever they consider a *higher power.* It has been my experience that there is strength in numbers. Like minds, who agree can bring about real changes. So, tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. I will be sitting on my couch that faces a doorwall. I will be watching the sun spread out on my pretty backyard and I will be praying for the doctors who have Greg in their care. I will ask for the best outcome and for the best plan to move ahead so Greg can continue to live his life of purpose. I would like to think there will be many of us, spread across this country, who will join me in this.
8:00 tomorrow morning.
8:00 tomorrow morning.
I will certainly join you. I may be in my car on the way to work, but I will definitely share some positive thoughts and well wishes for Greg. If we are "Zoom"ing or something, let me know so I am prepared to pull over or get to work a little earlier or later.
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Time zone?0
Oh, good question! I am in the Eastern time zone, same as Greg, but west coast people would have to get up at 5 to participate at the same time....yikes! That doesn't sound like a good idea. I think those of us who can, should do a *mind meld* of prayer and good wishes in the morning. West coast people might want to consider 8:00pm tonight - that way we can be sure Greg is *covered* before they whisk him into the OR. Thoughts?0
I'm in.0
I’ll be with you all in mind and spirit, 8 am, EST.0
All of you touch me deeply with this, Donna and I thank you very much.0
I always get up at 5 am. I always pray at sunrise (now at 5:45) At that time a say a prayer of Thanksgiving for a new day. Sometimes I pray a Psalm. I have included Greg in all my prayers for several weeks now and have placed his name with my prayer group and also with my cancer support group (the prayer group and cancer support group are communicating by email now) I will definitely be there At 5 Tomorrow0
Excellent idea, MarcieB. I'm in.0
MarcieB, I’m happy to be just in time, here on the East Coast, to join in with sending good wishes to Greg. I didn’t know until a few minutes ago that today is his surgery (I didn’t check in yesterday). I was about to go to sleep (I’m a night owl) but I’m so glad I saw this in time to be part of it. Thank you.
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It is 0520. I have just offered a Chaplet of Divine Mercy on Greg's behalf.0
I am heartened by the loving response here, you are all such special people. We have all done what we could. I hope we hear some positive news soon.0
I have finished my prayer hour I prayed Psalm 23. May the Lord guide the hands of the surgeon as she tends Greg.0
It is May, the month of Mary, the Blessed Mother, I have asked her to intercede on Greg’s behalf.0
I have been and will continue to be praying for Greg.0
I just saw this and missed it this morning. I will do it tomorrow morning at 8 Eastern Standard Time. Please join me.
Lorie0 -
Absolutely ❤️0
The update is not the positive message I hoped to report. I posted an update on the pinboard with full description here>>
Thank you all for the prayers, positive thoughts, and requests for good health. Donna and I appreciate it greatly.0 -
I am going to bed far too late tonight. So I shall pray for Greg and Donna just before I get into bed. Bedtime is my best time to pray. I will say a special prayer to St. Jude, our patron Saint for "things despaired of". He's never let me down. You had better watch it, Greg. With the number of prayers that will come from this great community alone, you'll be walking on water the next time you see it! Good night. God Bless.0
I wish I had seen this before 11:50 PM, but I was thinking and praying for Greg and Donna and the doctors throughout the day. They remain in my prayers as treatment decisions are made.0
Sending many prayers your way.0
I'm late to this party but I love the idea. I do morning yoga which is similar.
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