Does anyone here have any experience with agent orange that may be responsible for your cancer?

BobsProstate Member Posts: 56
edited 2020 24 in General Cancer
I was exposed during my days in Vietnam, but I haven't looked into it.


  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2020 23
    Have you spoken to your doctor about it? I'm not sure but I think that Agent Orange can be responsible for cancer in any part of your body. After talking to your doctor and he agrees that it could be the cause for yours, I think the next step would be making an appointment with the VA.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 24
    We have had some people on the site throughout the years that were confirmed agent orange related. One way of finding information like that about any topic is to click on the experiences tab at the top of the page, then enter your topic you want information about, in your case "agent orange", click the search button and you will get every discussion that your topic was mentioned in on the site. It's a pretty powerful tool!

    I hope you get what you need and are able to prove the relationship with your cancer. The extra funds that would come from it would help you out!
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 24
    Here is the link to the VA website. You may be eligible for disability.
  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 24
    All I know is an awful lot of fellows who served in Vietnam seem to end up with some type of cancer. Coincidence? Don't know how it could be confirmed that that was the reason.
  • fusilier
    fusilier Member Posts: 22
    edited 2020 24

    Agent Orange was heavily contaminated with dioxins. I lost at least two friends who handled the stuff during Operation Ranch Hand.

    As JaneA has already pointed out, you should contact the VA.


    James 2:24
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 24
    I agree - get in touch with the VA. My husband's type 2 diabetes is attributable to Agent Orange and so were his heart problems. I know cancer is also contributable to Agent Orange - I'm not sure if every kind of cancer could be caused by Agent Orange or just some kinds, but it is certainly worth looking into.
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    edited 2020 24
    My son had a friend at the VA that had over 3 separate types of agent orange cancers. He was a very nice person. The VA is the one that diagnosed them.

    He was a mobile Agent Orange sprayer. The military was required to post areas before being sprayed-and the date of spraying. The Army put huge tanks of Agent Orange on their backs and take them to the spray area. VC snipers were waiting for them. No, the snipers did not wound or kill the sprayers. The snipers shot at them, then shot holes in the tanks. They had to lie their with agent orange dripping in the back of their necks, and their kidney genital areas.

    Tom's friend had several throat cancers, kidney cancer, prostrate cancer, bone cancer in his shoulders., because that is where the Agent Orange dripped out. The VA is very experienced in this.