Our March Newsletter is out!
Click below for some of our most popular blog posts and topics over the last month. https://conta.cc/2vHtE7d
I just saw that today is "Common Courtesy Day". We have to have a recognized day for that?
Shouldn't that be every day?
While you are in the middle of treatments have you felt like you have lost control of your life?
Does it seem like you are just along for the ride? And for those that are done with treatment and trying to move on, do you think that you have tried to overcompensate for not having control while in treatment, now you're trying to do every little thing that needs to be done? I think my mind is playing tricks on me.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Hormone therapy
After getting back my sentinel node biopsy results, pathology and Oncotype DX test, all of the results were encouraging and led to the decision to proceed with hormone therapy, Anastrazole. I have had some hot flashes and a few joint pains. I somewhat wonder if I should have waited a bit longer to start taking the…
Procedure or Surgery | Mastectomy
Had mastectomy on 2/26/2020.- left breast. The worst part of all of it was the surgical drain. Once that was out I have felt much better.
How has Covid-19 afftected your treatment facility?
Are treatments still being given? Are you having to sit in your car until called in to have your treatment? Only 10 people at a time allowed inside? I've seen a lot of this happening around us. I made some calls yesterday and was told a variety of these. My facility will only let you come in when it's your time. Until then…
Are there any cancer types that are more susceptible to the virus than any other?
I've heard it said that anyone with compromised immune systems, on chemo, or radiation. I'm guessing any of us with a cancer diagnosis are in that category.
In times of sinking sands, turn to your pets
In times of sinking sands, turn to your pets
In times of sinking sands, turn to your pets
Here is a is one of the newsletters I get from Dr. Marty Becker : In times of sinking sands , turn to your pets Unless you went through the Spanish Flu of 1918 and the Great Depression of 1929, you wouldn’t really know what we’re going through now as a community, county, country, continent, and world facing the COVID-19…
Procedure or Surgery | Right Temporal Lobectomy
Although the surgery has caused my to have a little bit of cognitive impairment I learned to deal with it because I know Jehova God Will Provide. So I have no regrets about my surgery
I completed therapy in September. My hair is growing back so slowly. I'm wondering if any of the h
I've seen several products like special lights, etc. Any one have any positive experiences.
It's a new month! March is here, supposedly the best time of the year. Spring has sprung!
What do you hope to get out of March? For me, I want this feeding tube out of me, hopefully Tuesday that will happen, but I have doubts no that my oncologist said that she doubted it would happen because it takes longer than this for it to heal. While I'm not sure what is going to heal when it is sticking through me.…
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Started kadcyla feb 24 2020
Procedure or Surgery | Implant chemotherapy port
Feb 18 2020
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Final reconstruction and port removal June 2015
Celebration | Finished treatment
Feb 7 2014
This might be a stupid question but does antibacterial soap work as well as plain soap?
I went to fill my hand soap bottle and I noticed that it said "antibacterial" The coronavirus is a virus not a bacteria. So should I use hand sanitizer after I wash to kill the virus?
The statement The statement "God only gives us what we can handle"
I have had a couple of people say this to me. I am not anti-religion, I occasionally go to church. I just don't know how this is supposed to make a person who is possibly dying from cancer feel better. I'm torn over this. I honestly don't want to hear it. What do you think about it?
Cancer has spread
Has anyone had prostate cancers spread to the hip Bones. WhSt treatment did you have. Thanks so much
The gift that keeps on giving. Now it's ulceration of the stomach lining
I just came from my gastroenterologist. I'd been having considerable stomach pain for a while and finally decided to have it checked out. I have significant ulceration with some detectable bleeding (although I've had no noticeable blood in stool). I had horrible stomach pain during chemo, especially the weeks I was given…
Should I be overly worried?
I had a total thyroidectomy in August - follicular carcinoma in left lobe and small papillary carcinoma in right lobe. I had RAI in September followed by a full body scan which showed uptake only in area where thyroid was. I had an ultrasound at endocrinologist and a small nodule with vascularity was found. My doctor…
Has anyone had a personal experience related to coronarvirus yet?
I know we hear about coronarvirus endlessly and some are sick of the seemingly never ending news stream but has it touched anyone personally? As of today I am banned from my mother's skilled nursing facility. I have bronchitis. I have a cough, the sniffles and fatigue mostly from lack of sleep. I have seen my doctor, am on…
chemo brain lasts longer than expected...
chemo brain lasts longer than expected
I had a heart attack from the side effects of...
I had a heart attack from the side effects of chemo
Can you believe this? Oregon police department asks public not to call 911 if they run out of toilet
This article was shared on FaceBook . It’s hard to believe that we even have to post this. Do not call 9-1-1 just because you ran out of toilet paper. You will survive without our assistance. In fact, history offers many other options for you in your time of need if you cannot find a roll of your favorite soft, ultra plush…
After finishing chemo I've started radiation. I thought the chemo was bad.
I didn't think I would make it through that, now I've started radiation. Yesterday, for the first time, I felt really hopeless. The food has no taste, I’m nauseous, and my throat is killing me. I also realize it’s going to get much worse before it gets better. Has anyone else felt this wave of depression?
Are you getting "Cabin Fever"? With the Wintertime humdrums and now the coronavirus scare many are s
Today's blog post has a few tips and reminders of some things you can do to fight off the "cabin fever". We don't need anything else that will give us a fever these days anyway. Click here for the article>> http://bit.ly/2vrDZ78
Drug Therapy or Medication | store
www.Securepharmacare.com is a top-performing online pharmacy that is regulated by Health Canada and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If you’re in Canada or the USA and seeking to buy cheap Oxycodone tablets without a prescription, this is the drugstore to consider.
Oh No | online store
www.Securepharmacare.com is a top-performing online pharmacy that is regulated by Health Canada and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If you’re in Canada or the USA and seeking to buy cheap Oxycodone tablets without a prescription, this is the drugstore to consider.
nasogastric tube feeding
appreciate any comments about this procedure