Member Posts: 196
Carm - I just wanted to say how great it is to see you again on the site. I trust that you are well. It's always been good to have someone so well versed in our quest against Cancer.
Oh thank you so kindly! That is so sweet of you and I truly appreciate that.0
Ditto on what andreacha said, and how are you staying safe from all of the madness?0
I work from home now. I approve chemotherapy and radiopharmaceuticals for a major insurance I am still working and it really has not effected me. Although since the beginning of the month, requests for therapies have slowed significantly so I am assuming that many are cancelling appointments or docs are suggesting a delay. I work with commercial, Medicare and Medicaid patients all over the US. I hope you are doing well. It is nice to see that the members here are really doing what is necessary to stay safe and well.0 -
So you have a new gig now? Good for you. It's good that you can work from home. I am doing the same for WhatNext. I haven't been to my office at the Landscape company in 2 weeks. Since I have a hole in my throat now I figure I should stay away from everybody.0
Hi Cam! Wave wave wave. I'm working from home, too. Until this mess is over. Dragged my work computer home. Then had to get internet, as I just used my smart phone at home... So here I sit, auditing my customer service phone calls. And looking for calls for someone I know is on maternity leave, but I look each day just in case the supervisor forgets to tell me she's back... I had a nurse case manager when I was in treatment. She approved stuff. And always checked in with me. 8 years out, and I still email her from time to time...0
Carm - it's nice to see you here. All of us are sloshing through this together. You're a wonderful resource to answer our questions.0
- All Categories
- 2 Announcements
- 847 General Discussion
- 880 General Cancer
- 3 Adrenal Cortical Cancer
- 7 Anal Cancer
- 3 Bile Duct (Cholangiocarcinoma) Cancer
- 5 Bladder Cancer
- 18 Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors
- 78 Breast Cancer
- 1 Breast Cancer in Men
- 14 Bone Cancer
- Caregivers
- 1 Cancer of Unknown Primary
- 4 Cervical Cancer
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- 13 Colorectal Cancer
- Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
- 2 Endometrial Cancer
- 4 Esophageal Cancer
- 3 Eye Cancer
- 1 Gallbladder Cancer
- 25 Head & Neck/Throat Cancer
- Hodgkin Lymphoma
- 5 Kidney Cancer
- 4 Leukemia
- 4 Liver Cancer
- 12 Lung Cancer
- 4 Lung Carcinoid Tumor
- Mantle Cell Lymphoma
- Mesothelioma
- 10 Multiple Myeloma
- 6 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- 17 Ovarian and Fallopian Tube Cancer
- 2 Pancreatic Cancer
- Penile Cancer
- 1 Pituitary Tumors
- 12 Prostate Cancer
- 1 Rare Cancers
- 3 Skin Cancer - Lymphoma
- 7 Skin Cancer - Melanoma
- 4 Skin Cancer - Non-Melanoma
- Small Intestine Cancer
- 3 Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- 3 Stomach Cancer
- 1 Testicular Cancer
- Thymus Cancer
- 7 Thyroid Cancer
- 2 Vaginal Cancer
- Vulvar Cancer