I get quite nervous during times of stress like this.
Member Posts: 7
How do you stay calm and take your mind off of it?
Music! Yesterday I listened to Led Zeppelin for a couple of hours. Today if I get restless I may search for some Gary Moore. Whatever your taste may be it's a good way to distract the old mind from all that is swirling around us and just calm down. I also play brass instruments so I do that for a while now and then, until my lip gives out. I could distract myself for, literally, weeks by totally cleaning house but where's the fun in that. I also look to see what my friends on WhatNext are talking about. I am thankful to have this community of friends to go to for support and, frankly companionship.0
Been crocheting so much lately. It keeps me from snacking and my mind busy. I'm currently working on an Afghan and I'm enjoying this time stuck at home.0
I've been making masks. Keeping me very busy.0
@JustGrateful, what a wonderful way to use your talents and your time!
I have a ton of different Bible studies I am doing and, like cllinda, am enjoying having the time to actually get to most of them every day. I also play a game called Township which is a huge waster of time. And, of course, since we are stuck at home, it seems like I spend an incredible amount of time cooking and cleaning up - not my favorite activities by a long shot (I told my husband that when this is over, we're eating out every single meal for months). One other thing I have done is reconnect with friends I had lost touch with due to no time. That's been a huge benefit to the slower pace of life.
I tell you, though, my days are all messed up!!! I don't remember what day of the week it is, when I had my last shower exactly, or what time I really ought to go to bed. Last "night," I was up until after 4 AM ... doing Bible study, playing those silly games ... and then getting up much later than I like to do.
I know many of you are not interested in the least, but some might be. Lifeway Women has any number of Bible studies that they are making available at no cost, plus they have the electronic study guides, should you wish to purchase them, available for $5 each. I'm doing a class right now by Jennifer Rothschild called Missing Pieces and it is excellent. The link to the free studies is: https://lifewaywomen.com/2020/03/20/free-online-bible-studies-and-5-ebooks-to-stay-in-the-word/
I have done "Defined" already and it was really, really good, too. It is done by two brothers who produced the movie Overcomer. I've actually already done quite a few of them and they've all been pretty good.0 -
Bad weather usually stresses me out too, but I must admit that this is very stressful. We live in a rural area so I have to go into town for groceries. I've stocked up on basics, so I can hopefully avoid a trip into town for at least 3 or 4 weeks. We'll eat oatmeal or frozen waffles when the milk runs out.0
I have have discovered that when it comes to panic I can definitely multitask. I have currently hit the panic button for 1) earthquakes, 2) volcanos, 3) covid19, and 4) economic depression, My feline companion KandyKat is more than busy keeping me calm. My brothers and sister, nieces and nephews and my daughter all have four footed companions. KandyKat reminds me when it is time to get up and when it is time to go to bed and when it is time to eat (she shares a snack with me)
My Bible Study Group, Prayer Group. and Cancer Support Group are all keeping in contact by email.0 -
Plain old fashioned faith. Contemplative prayer and meditating on Christian mysteries takes me outside myself (a very good thing). Since my spirit cannot be completely satisfied in this world, I conclude that I am made for another world. G. K. Chesterton wrote 110 years ago that: "“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”
@Bengal Look up Walter Trout and Coco Montoya. Smokin' bluesmen - and I don't mean vaping! More like their frets are vaporized. Walter is an inspiration. He had a liver transplant, almost died and had to re-learn talking, walking and playing the guitar. As they say, "He done well"0 -
Poguy, I did check out Walter Trout and Coco Montoya. You're right. Not bad at all. Especially impressed by Trout after reading what he's been through. I love blues guitar. Especially since being diagnosed, I feel I understand "the blues". IMO nobody hold a candle to Gary Moore. He exuded blues from every pore. Too bad he drank himself to death.0
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