Several hospitals in our area are cancelling surgery except for emergency. .
Member Posts: 742
Has this happened to any of you yet? I have a surgery scheduled for the 31st to put in a TEP device in my throat that is supposed to help me speak. I haven't heard from the hospital that anything has changed, but I'm sort of expecting it.
They are cancelling elective surgeries here in GA. However, because of your NEED for the TEP device, they might keep you on the schedule. It may depend on the situation at the Vanderbilt campus.0
Oh, I hope you get to go ahead with the surgery. If not, get out in that workshop and create beautiful things until all this passes. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.0
Donna said she saw yesterday that in the parking garage at Vandy you can't get on the elevator unless you get screened. One person per patient may go, that's all.0
That has also been cancelled here at many hospitals. However, we have a few speciality hospitals like orthopedic hospitals that of course will be doing elective surgery. I personally would cancel any elective surgery because I would not want to expose myself. More than necessary.0
Greg - I hope you don't have to wait any longer. I know you've been looking forward to that device. Keeping my fingers crossed as I pray for you.0
Greg I am very worried for you. I am praying for you. I hope there are no cases of the virus at the hospital when you have your surgery.0
Doesn't effect me, but our governator has ordered elective surgeries cancelled. Now, they have sort of changed the normal definition of elective a bit. Expanding it to make sure that not just life saving, but limb saving are also covered. I just audited a cs phone call (remember, I audit calls fro a medical TPA) where a hospital was getting benefits for carpal tunnel, and I was thinking hmmm, maybe not...0
They are not allowing visitors at the hospitals. I haven't heard about cancelling surgeries. But that makes sense. personally unless it was life threatening, I would avoid all hospitals, doctors office, etc. I am "socially isolating my self & my husband who has COPD. I go to work, home & the pick up lane at Walmart. have you heard the latest nickname for the Corona Virus "Boomer Remover". Lovely.0
Greg, I hope your surgery isn’t considered elective.
Dkatsmeow, I hadn’t heard that particular hate phrase from millennials (I already start foaming when I hear “Ok, Boomer”). Some young people are nasty.
In NYC all elective surgeries have been postponed (I’m not sure about NYS). One of my friends had to postpone her knee replacement; fortunately, she’s not in much pain and can still walk easily).
Be safe.
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Maybe I take it too seriously but “Boomer Remover” is rude. Millennials are so ignorant about the real world.0
Way beyond rude. There used to be a thing called respect for your elders.0
This in today’s NYT: “New C.D.C. data showed that nearly 40 percent of patients sick enough to be hospitalized were aged 20 to 54. But the risk of dying was significantly higher in older people.” So those young people who are so gleeful about Boomers getting “removed” might not be so gleeful soon. And I bet that most of them don’t know that the Boomer generation is from those born between 1946 to 1964. The millennials probably think it’s anyone from around 1946 and above.0
They may also forget our grandparents were probably around to experience the Spanish Flu. So we are not completely clueless ab out pandemics. We know it is best to social isolate. Also I thought they were the most techie group constantly socializing through medias instead of face to face.0
There has been much on the news about the "Spring Breakers" in Florida. They are packing the beaches & bars. When interviewed, they said they were going to continue to party, as they were immune from the virus.
I don't know if the beaches have been closed yet, but as of the 19th the governor has not done much. (Either have their parents!)
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I've had cataract surgery rescheduled for mid-April and I suspect that date will also be rescheduled. It will happen when it happens so I'm okay with the whole thing. Other than that we are hunkered down here in rural Missouri, just minding our own business as usual.0
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