I'm still here
Member Posts: 196
Yeah, I've MIA for a few days. Dragged my work computer home on Friday. Problem is, no internet until today. My cable company came and installed internet this afternoon, so I'm back. I'll catch up on stuff tomorrow... Ohio officially has a stay inside order. You can go out for essentials like groceries, pharmacy, food (our restaurants are doing carryout/deliver), and if you are essential. Hope everyone is safe and healthy.
Glad you got your stuff working. When our satellite goes out and we don't have TV or internet Donna and I don't know how to act. It's kind of like flipping the light switch after a storm knocks out the electricity. You don't miss it until it's gone.
No order to stay in here yet. But if people don't stay off the streets in Nashville and the other cities they are going to be locked down.0 -
Good. We tend to worry... anyway, far more relaxing to work at your own pace.0
We are in Lock-down here in GA. The Governor is holding a special press conference at 8pm
which all channels are covering, wise decision. One thing I haven't gotten over is the fact that New Orleans went ahead and held their Mardi Gras last month.They fly in, drive in, bus in, whatever, for that. And then they go home to their respective communities and spread the virus.0
- All Categories
- 2 Announcements
- 847 General Discussion
- 880 General Cancer
- 3 Adrenal Cortical Cancer
- 7 Anal Cancer
- 3 Bile Duct (Cholangiocarcinoma) Cancer
- 5 Bladder Cancer
- 18 Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors
- 78 Breast Cancer
- 1 Breast Cancer in Men
- 14 Bone Cancer
- Caregivers
- 1 Cancer of Unknown Primary
- 4 Cervical Cancer
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- 13 Colorectal Cancer
- Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
- 2 Endometrial Cancer
- 4 Esophageal Cancer
- 3 Eye Cancer
- 1 Gallbladder Cancer
- 25 Head & Neck/Throat Cancer
- Hodgkin Lymphoma
- 5 Kidney Cancer
- 4 Leukemia
- 4 Liver Cancer
- 12 Lung Cancer
- 4 Lung Carcinoid Tumor
- Mantle Cell Lymphoma
- Mesothelioma
- 10 Multiple Myeloma
- 6 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
- 17 Ovarian and Fallopian Tube Cancer
- 2 Pancreatic Cancer
- Penile Cancer
- 1 Pituitary Tumors
- 12 Prostate Cancer
- 1 Rare Cancers
- 3 Skin Cancer - Lymphoma
- 7 Skin Cancer - Melanoma
- 4 Skin Cancer - Non-Melanoma
- Small Intestine Cancer
- 3 Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- 3 Stomach Cancer
- 1 Testicular Cancer
- Thymus Cancer
- 7 Thyroid Cancer
- 2 Vaginal Cancer
- Vulvar Cancer