In remission and working
Member Posts: 2
What are your thoughts on working and this virus? I am in remission from AML and stem cell transplant. I returned to work as a Registered Nurse a few years ago. I had 4 years of photophoresis and am really nervous. What would you do? Take off work? Stay and work?
First, thanks for your dedication to health care. There are a lot of variables here. You may be required to work, are you? What has your employer said? This is a scary time for sure. In our State, the Governor has made an executive order closing all but essential services. So most everyone here is staying home from work. The medical field is essential for sure.0
While I am not a physician, I believe that as a stem cell transplant recipients are considered immunocompromised. I would call my oncologist and ask their advice.0
Thank you for your response. I have contacted my on oncologist/ hematologist. He recommends that I not care for those being tested or those testing positive. As for not working, that is up to my employer and myself.0
@WVgirl2424, thank you for your service. It is much appreciated always, but especially at times like this.0
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