Immunotheraphy and Covid19
Member Posts: 26
Interested to hear from those in Immunotheraphy treatment, what you may have been told about Covid infection while being in this treatment?, My belief is we are neither suppressed or compromised, but perhaps another layer of being protected by having a ramped up immune system?, Again no data to confirm.
I'm no scientist, but I follow your line of thinking and it makes sense to me.0
I have not heard anything about that or haven't come across any articles about it, but I agree, it makes sense to me too.0
I truly wonder if covid-19 can live in our toxic bloodstream environment...0
Hello, I am an oncology nurse and wouldn't that be great if they were effective in combating a virus. All though they are Immunorherapies, they still specifically target cancer cells with either PD-L1 or checkpoint inhibitors. Viruses like these are retrovirals and medications used to treat HIV would probably be more effective. That being said, the biotherapy Avastin is currently being trialed for the treatment of Covid-19. I hope this satisfies your question.0
Thanks Carm, that's interesting!0
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