CT results
I promised I'd add in my CT results. Had a virtual appt with my oncologist this morning. Looks good. There are a couple of areas we'll keep an eye one -- diaphragm and right adrenal gland -- but we've been keeping an eye on those since 2012. I forget what exactly is up with the diaphragm. I've known about the cyst on top…
Prostate Cancer Radiation
Do any of the Prostate folks have a good resource for a beginner's guide to this topic? I have a friend who is trying to figure out how to help her Dad through this, he seems to be Stage 1 but not totally sure. She said he is having radiation with spacers and markers. Thanks in advance!
Not Forgotten
We all tend to get focused on certain situations at times and lose sight of the forest as we concentrate on the trees. Our world is a mixed up and crazy place right now. Things can feel awfully bleak, but most of us have learned some good coping skills. As we focus on some pressing problems, don't forget that all of us…
Clinical Trials
Are there clinical trials being done on Triple Negative Cancer which has metasticized?
Lymphedema discomfort
My arm is always throbbing. I see no outward signs of blood clots. Massage taught to me by a therapist does not help. The sleeve does not help. Is this just my new normal? I am very puffy next to the arm pit area as well. Thanks for listening to my lament!
Missing Greg
Anybody hear anything about Greg lately?
Missing Greg's Posts and Praying He's Okay
Donna, would you give us an update if Greg isn't up to it? Or Jane, it seems you keep in touch with him outside of these posts - have you heard how he's doing? Or ... anyone else who knows ... update, please? Prayers that they are finding a solution to his feeding tube issues and any other problems he's been encountering.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Targeted therapy
All TACE Procedures (N=3) were uneventful. Post procedural complications ranged from minimal to rehospitalization x 1 wk.
Procedure or Surgery | Liver transplant
At 10 months post transplant, doing ok now. Not an easy road but worthwhile.
Medication question
I know we are all sidetracked with Greg's illness and hospitalization. However, MelindaLV wrote in 4 days ago asking the community about TREISTAR and anything you may know about it. I told her that I had no knowledge of it and that I was confident that someone would know something and would respond. I was wrong, she's not…
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Just diagnosed with GIST in the head of the Pancreas. Dr recommends Whipple procedure and Imatinib. Part of my trouble making a decision for the surgery is that I have no symptoms and am not suffering in anyway. This recommended surgery and drug seems like a difficult life-changing decision.
Just got diagnosed with thyroid cancer
Now I have two cancers. How often does that happen? Anyone else?
Other Care | Doctor visits
I still have to go see my oncologist about every 3 months and I still go see my surgeon I don't know how long I've got to keep doing that and I still yet to keep my appointment to get my Orthopedic breast with bra so I still have a lot to do
Celebration | Finished treatment
Yes there's celebration because I live through something that have killed a lot of people but God saw to let me stay here so I'm still here in my hair is growing back slowly the discoloring of my skin is coming around but I'm still worried about my stomach but I thank God everyday that I still have life and can move around…
Side Effects | Fluid in the abdomen (ascites)
I had several side effects from neuropathy to hair loss to I still believe that there is something wrong with my stomach because it is still swollen and hard and I don't know what that is but I intend to find out it burned my skin some discolored all around it was not easy on the body with the chemo
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
The chemo was very strong it burned my skin on my arms and my hands and it cost neuropathy and I was very weak from it but I still try to go to work despite all of those things but I'm glad it's over I still have the neuropathy
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
I have been cancer-free for nine and a half years and then I get told that I have breast cancer again this time stage 2 triple negative
Radiation | External radiation
My husband had 35 sessions of targeted radiation to his neck for stage 2 laryngeal cancer and the only word to describe is brutal. He was in so much pain near the end it hurt to swallow his own saliva.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
My husband did 6 weeks of cisplatin and it was really hard on him, his energy level was a constant zero. He was nausea always and had a hard time eating.
Procedure or Surgery | Bone biopsy to confirm that metastases were from original breast cancer
In 1997, I had multiple biopsies, mastectomy, lymph node dissection, implant chemotherapy port, Flap reconstruction
Oh No | Cancer has spread/Metastasized
I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997. I underwent unilateral mastectomy, clinical trial of high dose chemotherapy, radiation, and finally reconstructive surgery. I was followed for 10 years with no recurrence. This past year, I started having hip and low back pain and went to see an orthopedic surgeon,…
Side Effects | Stomach distended and hard and will Not go away
I just had a bilateral mastectomy on the 29th of April 2020 and my drain stayed in for about 4 weeks but after I was able to move around I noticed that my stomach was like really hard and round exceptionally round like a beer gut and I was thinking it was because I didn't have breast anymore but it's not that, it is still…
Celebration | Cancer is shrinking
Randy had his first CT after his third round of chemo today. Dr.'s nurse called to let us know it showed a 40% improvement. It was the first good news we have had. We will get more in details on Wednesday before next round of chemo, but they wanted to call with the good news.
Is it just me, or are you tired of hearing this phrase "together, we will get through this" ?
I appreciate the positive attitude on the subject, but this is being beat into the ground. And what's the "together" part? Nobody has stopped by our house and offered to help us get through it. We are more like on our own instead of together with anyone. Every business that advertises on TV has been using this too. I guess…
Drug to prevent mouth sores during chemo
Does anyone know about a drug to prevent mouth sores during chemo. The only one I can find is Palifermin (Kepivance), but I'm not sure if it is for a specific type of cancer.
Side Effects | Weight loss
When I was initially diagnosed stage IV RCC, I weighed 191 lbs. Two years later I weighed 204. Following that I started slowly losing weight and now stay in the mid 130s.
Side Effects | Vaginal dryness or irritation
Once I stopped taking the hormone replacement therapy in approximately 2016, I lost all sexual desire and became very dry and easily irritated.
Side Effects | Skin changes
I seem to bruise quite easily and they take a couple of months to disappear. I am not on a blood thinner which many people ask me when they see my arms. I don't know the cause.
Side Effects | Pain
I started having bone and muscle pain about 1-1/2 years into treatment which eventually became quite severe. It is now well controlled with the use of Morphine.
Side Effects | Nausea/Vomiting
I have started to have issues with Nausea with dry heaves over the last 3 months. Generally mid-morning with the hot flashes but not daily.