Celebration | Relief At Minimal Treatment

legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
edited 2020 24 in General Discussion
After thinking initially that I would have to undergo radiation, that was off the table when we decided to move forward with mastectomy. After getting news that there was no evidence of spreading to the sentinel nodes, that was another relief. After the Oncotype DX score came back low and my oncologist said we would just proceed with hormone therapy, I was so relieved I was not going to have to undergo chemotherapy. I won't lie. I almost feel like I cheated the whole thing. I am glad I don't have to do it, but I have so much guilt because I don't understand how people with such amazing lives and outreach have to endure radiation and chemotherapy and I really got off easy. I am celebrating that I really was able to get through this mostly unscathed. Sure, I am missing a breast but that's a small price to pay.


  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited 2020 09
    Congratulations!! Even after 5 years of having treatments for a year, I will admit that I am a little envious of anyone that has "minimal treatment". Obviously, I had good results with my treatment, but it would have been nice to miss out on the side-effects. legaljen, having a breast removed and taking hormone therapy, are not minimal in my opinion. Do not sell yourself short. I hope all continues to go well for you. Take care.
  • legaljen1969
    legaljen1969 Member Posts: 763
    edited 2020 24
    Thank you for your comments Beachbum. Just looking at how long ago my post and your comment were made- it seems that these past seven months have felt like seven days and seven years all at the same time. This year has just passed by, day by day, just time passing by with nothing to mark that time.
    I know that my journey is not "nothing" but I still feel like I was incredibly lucky to not have to endure chemotherapy or radiation.
    The worst thing in the past months has been feeling like I am just dropped off a cliff and left hanging. I know the entire world has felt this to some degree. I was supposed to start with a therapist to work on some other things, as well as figure out how my diagnosis and treatment played into the rest of my anxiety and depression. That was put on hold, indefinitely.
    Some days I feel like I may lose my mind, but those are the days I tend to come here and remember that I am not alone. I don't get that feeling in my real life very much.