Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Lost 50 lbs & the ability to walk normally due to weakness in 2016. I had to have chemo for a stem cell transplant.
How much is a life worth? How high can medical expenses continue to rise?
I am thinking about this today. My most recent bill of over 28k for an hour or less in OR for a biopsy in my throat. The doctor told me she expected it to be a 10 minute procedure. I think it went longer since they found malignant material, but still, I was in and out an in the recovery in an hour. My next surgery I expect…
Side Effects | Weight loss
How do I get my husband to try to eat? He started out at 157 pounds and is now down to 113 pounds. We go to the doctor in a couple days and I'm go to push to get a feeding tube. Does anyone have any advice?
I noticed Taylor Swift has revealed that her mom has a brain tumor.
There is an article about it here. Of course there are many. and this is Another case of it doesn't matter who you are or how much money you have cancer shows no prejudice. https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-taylor-swift-mom-brain-tumor
I have metastatic NSCL adenocarcinoma I have ...
I have metastatic NSCL adenocarcinoma I have had Carboplatin Altima and Keytruda it's holding off lung modules but not lympnodes I have a rare EGFR mutation
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Breast cancer stage 1a. Lumpectomy preformed, 6 nodes removed. Waiting for results about radiation/chemo.
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
Our MEK-inhibitor trial has come to an end after about 4 years. BUT, we are about 9 years into the Ovarian Cancer diagnosis, meaning we are doing very well. On our last 2 visits to our trial clinic, two tumors had grown a little and the CA-125 was up. So we had to drop out of the trial. (Pat was the only person left i the…
Our January Newsletter is out and you should get it in your inbox of the email address that you used
If you don't get it automatically, your email provider is blocking it as spam. Please check your spam folders and move the email into your inbox, or mark it "Not Spam", or something similar based on your email providers way of sorting.
How often do you get a pet scan after you're done with treatments?
I am a couple years out from surgery and finished treatments some time ago. My doctor has told me he doesn't think it's necessary to have a regular PET. Also said my insurance wouldn't approve it if it's not an emergency or if there are symptoms showing of a recurrence. I'm just checking, does this seem normal as far as…
Side Effects | Diarrhea
Constant after Whipple. Heavily medicated on hydrocodone and elixir of opium to slow down digestion. Losing weight plus chemo issues.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
No bueno.
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Whipple, Northside Hospital staff not well trained for patients after this surgery. Dietician not trained.
Oh No | Cancer has spread/Metastasized
Waiting to hear if I will get my PET Scan. Very frustrating.
Have any of you heard of the drug Someta?
It's supposed to help with strengthening your bones?
How to know if it’s back ? Would an MRI help?
I already posted my symptoms, and thank you that answered me(I kinda knew I need to see a doctor , but now brings another question? I ... think I should see my oncologist I have had already??? But I am wondering how would I get an MRI on my own first???? Thanks!!’n
How to get back to eating after surgery?
My husband had surgery 5 months ago and is still not eating. He will only drinks protein drinks and creamed soup. Any advice to get him to start trying would be great! He passed a swallow test and the therapist have tried to encourage him but no luck! I'm getting frustrated with his weight loss. He doesn't have a feeding…
Do you always get things checked that don't seem right with your body?
This is an example of why you need to get checked out if you have something going on with your body that you think might not be right. My 4th cancer diagnosis started almost a year ago with a strange tickling sensation inside my throat that I couldn't explain. I had my throat scoped 4 times which didn't show anything…
My latest blog post about my latest diagnosis. It sounds like the kid on the corner hawking Newspape
I have had a lot of people that have said things like I don't deserve to have to go through this again, how do you do it, why has this burden been put on you again, I'm sorry that your life has been ruined, (true story), and a number of similar statements. It got me to think about how my life isn't ruined and that there…
Has anyone taken this drug as a hormone blocker and what side effects have you experienced. I’ve read the literature and it’s scary.
Adrenal insufficiency
What should I be concerned about with adrenal crisis
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
This is my third bout with cancer, my second with esophageal cancer. I had to have a laryngectomy as well as a gastric pull up with this one as the tumor was to high to be reached by any other means. My lymph nodes were all clear and I only had follow up radiation after surgery. I was able to retire from being an educator…
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Small cell lung cancer /oat cancer /limilted
Oh No | death
My sister has passed away 09/31/19
Sore Elbow
I was dx with NCSC a year ago and had surgery to remove the mass followed by Rad Tx to the nasal cavaity and paranasal sinuses. There were no mets found at the time via a PetCT prior to the surgery and one done 3 months after Rad Tx. This month I developed a soreness in my rt elbow . after recieving a second Shingles shot…
After partial lobectomy for Adenocarcinoma Stage 1A, 13 months ago experiencing discomfort
13 months ago I had upper left upper lobe removed. Now after 13 months I am experiencing discomfort around the area, waking me up at night and uncomfortable when I cough. Is this normal? Also experiencing upper back ache.
Tomorrow is the first of my two dates I'm waiting for, we go to see my onco ENT surgeon for pre-op q
After the surgeon's appointment, we go to speech pathology to get information on what's to be expected and how I might be able to talk again. I'm in the dark on that one, so we will just see. I have a box full of questions for her, I might get tossed out of her office. Things I want to know are: How long will this surgery…
What would your "last meal" be?
As my surgery date gets closer and closer Donna keeps telling me to give her a list of things I want to eat before that date, because we don't know how long I'll be on a feeding tube. Worst case scenario is I never eat and swallow again. (I don't for a minute expect that) I feel sort of like someone on death row waiting…
Our blog post today is from Ms. JaneA, What To Say To The Newly Diagnosed
This topic came up many times with my recent diagnosis. People that I've known for years went stone cold and silent when I told them that I had cancer again. Why? Because most people just don't know what to say, it's an awkward moment. Ms. Jane and I thought it was a good time to put up some tips on what to say and how to…
My doctor said they can't give anything that will stop the pain in bones.
There might not be a pill or pain killer but I know people often find other things that work. Have any of you found something that will help with bone pain?
Baroreflex failure years after radiation
I had tongue cancer 6 years ago and went through chemo (cisplatin) and radiation (36 treatments). Now, after being cancer-free for 6 years, My blood pressure has gone off the rails. I have been hospitalized twice in the past two months and the doctors have diagnosed my condition as being "baroreflex failure", caused by the…