Why am I losing lots of weight and having trouble eating?
Was diagnosed with intestinal cancer back in 2012, had surgery to remove tumors and radiation treatments and chemo. After I was told by 3 docs I didn't have cancer but they were way off. I fired those docs and got all new as they just kept telling me I'm fine and pushed meds on me that didn't help. Got help from new docs…
Whilst the procedure is painless the aftermat...
Whilst the procedure is painless the aftermath is red raw both phsically and mentally
Had to accept the "new normal" which is now t...
Had to accept the "new normal" which is now the norm
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Having no one going to an ER and within 15 minutes being told I have cancer
Does the new year inspire you to get a better attitude about fighting your cancer?
It's easy to let this crap beat you down to the point that you want to give in, but the new year came just in time. I find I have a new resolve to dig in and get my attitude pumped up to ride this thing out to the end of treatments. I hope all of you get a boost too. It's a good time to make a pact with yourself that you…
Side Effects | Fatigue (tiredness)
Did not feel like doing much. Although I know I should exercise, I have little energy to do it.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Gemzar and cisplatin...split 2 Thursdays then a week off...I so looked forward to the week off. No vomiting but did use the nausea drugs. Did not wait to feel nauseous to take nausea meds.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
After severe reactions to the first chemo drugs I was put on Gemcitabine and carboplatin, except for the itchies at infusion time, they were very easy to tolerate and very few sides....minimal fatigue and nausea
Celebration | Hair is back
When I could no longer take taxol and bevacizumab, the drugs they gave me didn't make me lose my hair and it has been back now since September, except for armpit and leg hair, YAY
Other Care | Home care
I had 6 weeks of home health after being in hospital for 31 days and for a wound that would not heal
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Robotic laparascopic radical right nephrectomy.
Other Care | Home care
I had about 6 weeks of home health after being in hospital 31 days
Loss | Lost loved one
The day I got my port I had my head shaved. When we got home late that day our 14 year old cat was very ill and had to be put down the next day. I spent 31 days in the hospital and my favorite aunt died while I was in there and a very good friend died, also.
Celebration | Remission
MRI on 12/5/18, almost a year to the day from diagnosis said NO RESIDUAL SIGN OF DISEASE
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Taxol caused neuropathy in my feet and bevacizumab ate my colon up and I became allergic to Carboplatin
Decision Point | Change medical care.
I decided in June 2019 to move from University of Michigan Medicine to I Stanford University Healthcare in Stanford, California. My son needed help with his children and I needed to be near close family in my battle. By faith I relocated from my birth state to California. I am thrilled to know I have phenomenal doctors who…
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Targeted therapy
Crizontinib no longer worked for me after three years. I started Alectinib May 4, 2017. Although my response to treatment improved causing brain metastasis to shrink, the initial side effects were horrible. Muscle aches and lower back pain was so unbearable that I had palliative care for a Chiropractor for six months or so…
Radiation | External radiation
From 11/22-12/07/16 a XRT 50 Gy to enlarging right infrahilar lymph node was discovered. It caused mass effect on multiple bronchi.
Clinical Trial | AT13387 (HSP90 inhibitor) × 2 cycles with concurrent Crizontinib.
I simply hated this trial that I participated in from May 15, 2015 to July 10, 2015. My lymphedema became worse, I became dehydrated. Constipation was a nightmare. I was fatigued more. This trial hindered my quality of life.
Side Effects | Lymphedema
From the beginning lymphedema is a very challenging side effect for me.
Side Effects | Diarrhea
When taking the carbo/pem/bev intravenous chemotherapy and later a targeted therapy called Crizontinib, diarrhea was terrible for me.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Immediately while hospitalized I had a carbo/pem/bev intravenous chemotherapy. Around the third cycle I started turning black and blue on the palms of my hands. I became too weak to continue working full-time.
Procedure or Surgery | Video assisted thoracic surgery
In short, I was a superwoman prior to surgery. Started going down by the head quickly after surgery and chemo.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Switching to another cocktail: Abraxane and Avastin. 4 more rounds. Day 1, Day 8, Day 15 and Day 28 (new Day 1)
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Begins Again. Carboplatin and Avastin. Only 3 rounds completed as an allergy to Carboplatin develops. Day 1, Day 8, DAy 15 and Day 28 (becomes the new Day 1)
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Hormone therapy
Prescribed Letrozole as my previous tumors had markers that indicated the treatment would be successful. And it was...for about 7 months.
Oh No | Cancer is back/Recurred
September 2018, I was told the cancer had returned again. And again to my liver.
Side Effects | Nausea/Vomiting
The nausea got to be too much and I quit taking Zejula in May 2018.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Maintenance or consolidation chemotherapy
Excited to be able to take Zejula. But wow, did it make me nauseous, even after dose reducing down to 100mg.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Gemzar and Carboplatin: 6 rounds received. Day 1, Day 8 and Day 21 (new Day 1).