Since starting chemo my skin seems to be crusty dry

MyLungCancer Member Posts: 72
edited 2020 27 in General Cancer
Does the chemo do this or is it just from normal winter weather? What do you use for the cracks in skin around the mouth?


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 24
    Depending on the type and dosage, it could be both chemo and dry air. CeraVe is very good to have on hand in good supply. It will also work around the mouth, but repeat applications during thee day may be needed. Carmex, Burt's Bees, Neutrogena or similar lip balm may be needed during the day. It's just the timing, but when is a good season for treatment? I hope that you receive some good ideas here.
  • Staynaliv13
    Staynaliv13 Member Posts: 1
    edited 2020 24
    I have oily/dry skin. How,,,, well a very respected Derm Dr. Sent a sample of my skin to be analyzed....... Cause of prob.>>> Atopic dermatitis!! In other words ... itchy skin...... No REALLY? Anyhow that was a few years out from active treatment (Chemo). The Drs best guess was chemo also! He recommended skin creams & benadryl.
    Well,,,, I had some relief from these..... But,, I'm now almost 14 yrs out from NSCLC & 5 rounds of chemo,,,,, & yup,,, still have the itchy skin madness. For me,,, I use a few things for relief. When it gets real bad (usually,,, cold months),, I use oatmeal bath by Aveeno ,,, then shower off using Eucerin (Gold Bottle) skin calming body wash. Then after drying I have an expensive skin lotion called Dermal Therapy..... It is now available @ Amazon... (Like $25 for 8oz bottle) Eucerin 16.9 oz. For around $12. & about $9 row a box of 8 packs of oatmeal bath. All of these are available through Amazon. If you think this is 2 expensive,,,, then try something different!! I know I tried many,,,, even some prescription creams,,,, that didn't get it done. These work for me,,,, hope this is a help to others!!
  • Charlieb
    Charlieb Member Posts: 3
    edited 2020 24
    You need to be more specific when using the word "chemo". Chemo is simply the use of drugs to treat cancer (kill cancer cells). Different drugs affect the body in different ways, so to answer you question we would need to what you are taking. Steroids, for example, will dry you up and you should be drinking a lot of water.
  • MyLungCancer
    MyLungCancer Member Posts: 72
    edited 2020 24
    Thanks for your feedback. I'll take a look at some of those on Amazon Staynaliv13, thanks
  • schweetieangel
    schweetieangel Member Posts: 47
    I used Udder Cream for my dry peeling skill and it worked wonders. My oncologist told me about it found it at the pharmacy at the hospital.
  • schweetieangel
    schweetieangel Member Posts: 47
    Oops peeling skin.. Not spell check