Copy and paste

Sasukesuma Member Posts: 19
edited 2020 26 in General Cancer
I keep getting these FB posts about cancer. They ask you to copy and paste to show that you support someone with cancer. How do you feel about these.?
As a cancer survivor and the widow of a cancer victim I don’t do these things. I appreciate the thought behind it but I hate to make anyone feel guilty for they way they acted with someone with cancer. I know it’s hard to know what to say and what to do. All my life at least one close family member has had cancer. I lost my brother, my aunt and my husband. Several others were lucky enough to survive. I still don’t always know the right thing to say and do all the time.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 21
    Like chain letters and emails. Are they trying to instill a sense of guilt if you do not obey? If so, delete them. Who knows if they are legit - far too much hooey on the interwebz.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 22
    I don't do them. Nor do they make me feel particularly supported or loved.

    I know what you mean about not knowing what to say. I don't often know the right thing to say either.
  • Molly72
    Molly72 Member Posts: 227
    edited 2020 21
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 21
    I don't do them. I find them rather offensive, and I'm usually offended by some my FB "friends" who fall for that. I believe that they are a "trolling" scheme.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 21
    I ignore those and anything else that says "I know who will do this", or "If you hate XXXXXX forward to 10 people". It takes less energy and thought to just keep on scrolling.
  • Dawsonsmom
    Dawsonsmom Member Posts: 99
    Ditto to all the comments.
  • EmpathAgain
    EmpathAgain Member Posts: 8
    edited 2020 26
    I'm not really the type of person who copy and pastes anything, but if I ever were to, it would never ever be these any of the "support cancer patients" posts. At best they just don't help anything and at worst, they may (and I'd even say they likely) at least cause a little bit of harm. First, most that I have seen have been obscenely insulting. There was one for a while (that people I knew where actually posting on my FB wall, but I just kept on taking them down) about posting a "no makeup selfie" of yourself and post it to show your support for women with breast cancer. The premise was something to the extent that women with cancer have to "look ugly" since they lose their hair and are in treatments, etc., so posting a picture of your (non-cancer) self with no make-up on somehow is a sign of solidarity. My goodness, my head almost explodes trying to figure out why anyone would do this to begin with, but especially why they would post that crap on my wall, since I make it explicitly clear that I do not like stuff like that. All it does is (somehow, I guess) make the poster feel better about themselves and call attention to an unnecessary (and not true, because seriously, women don't all get ugly or whatever they are suggesting because they get cancer)! And then to have to see healthy women (who pose and use filters often even in these no make-up selfie solidarity shots, seriously) think that this would make someone with cancer feel better anyway? So, you think I'm feeling bad about myself so you're going to make me feel better by showing me what you look like without make-up on and post it and somehow think you make a difference in a good way?

    Plus, to be perfectly honest, the only thing I haven't lost from cancer yet are my looks (and since I'm stage 4 I'm on an oral chemo and still have all my hair and all that). Plus does that also mean that every woman is expected to wear make-up everyday if she is to be seen? I mean what the heck? I'm perfectly fine with the way I look, in fact, when I was getting these posts on my wall I almost wanted to write that wow, I guess I do feel good, because I look pretty darn good in comparison even currently dying from cancer. But I don't really want to hurt anyone who offends me in the end. I just wish people THOUGHT before they started doing all these weird things to "show solidarity" and show they care. Because most of the thngs I've seen are irrelevant, pathetic, insulting, just kind of dumb, and never ever male me feel better. We give so much weird attention to cancer, yet people don't even seem to realize I'm going to die from mine in my 30s. Too busy feeling sorry for me thinking i'm worried about cancer face, I guess. Ugh!