I am getting to that point where I can't taste much or what I do tastes terrible.

Coloman Member Posts: 52
edited 2020 26 in General Cancer
How long does this last or when will my taste come back?


  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 25
    After you finish treatment your taste should (mostly) gradually come back. Try using non-metallic utensils. Some folks say that can help. I found I had to force myself to eat at times because I knew I needed the nutrition. Not much about this process is fun.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2020 25
    I think Bengal's idea of non-metallic utensils is a great one. The only adaptation that I could make was to scan the pantry for something which looked somewhat appealing. When I saw something that I thought I could get down and keep down, I ate it immediately - as later in the day, I might not be able to. You might notice the days post-treatment which are the worst and eat a little more in the days before, if that is possible. I practiced fasting before all of this, so it came as less of a shock, but still a shock. I would advise you to simply keep trying things until you find something workable. The oncology nurses often have a wealth of information on this, from both their training and experience.
  • JaneA
    JaneA Member Posts: 335
    edited 2020 26
    They also say that a sour pickle or sucking on a lemon helps restore our sense of taste. My comfort foods didn't taste good - I ended up craving and eating chili and Mexican food.
  • PattyF
    PattyF Member Posts: 7
    edited 2020 26
    My last treatment was August 28th and my taste is back to normal and I am able to eat just about everything once again. During treatments I noticed I was more sensitive to spicier foods and could not tolerate. I also remember most foods were unappealing to me on infusions days or I would have strange cravings like chips and dip, pretzels, chicken noodle soup, etc. Do your best to eat what you can. I also made sure I stayed hydrated - I would fill up a 64oz pitcher of water and make sure I drank the entire amount before going to bed. It was a huge help with flushing the chemicals through my body and my recovery time was shorter after each infusion as well.