Milestones | Other

Wrenae Member Posts: 1
edited January 2020 in General Discussion
I was diagnosed Nov 2011, Stage 3, Incurable Non-Hodgkin's Follicular Lymphoma (NHFL).
I did 2.5 years chemo Bendamustin & Rituxan every 28 days for six months, Rituxan every other month for 2 years.
After last chemo, it took two years for my oncologist to use the word, Remission.
Last visit with my oncologist - she told me it's not a matter of NHFL relapsing, its a matter of when it will relapse.
Since NHFL is a blood cancer, it's all over my body, hiding somewhere waiting to exploit itself. I'm not in remission, my NHFL is in hibernation.
I asked when it relapses, if we will use the same chemo regimen, she said it depends on last chemo date and expired time until it relapses.
I don't live with worry, however, my biggest concern - if NHFL morphs into another type of cancer, it's a different battle.
I have dead lymph nodes in my body, my immune system can't fight off much of anything, most colds require a doctor visit, steroid and antibiotic injections; last episode resulted in a three day hospital stay to stabilize pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in my lungs) and early stages of pneumonia.
Everytime my body does something I do not understand, scares me, most times it subsides, other times not so much.
Cancer and chemo kicked my ass. My faith in God keeps me going. Most days are ok, my body tells me when it's time to rest and recharge. Some days are not so good. Life goes on, I figure when God is done with me in this life, I will move on the the next phase of existence.
It's all good. Need someone to talk with / vent / chew the fat with, etc., please feel free to contact me:
NHFL is a nuisance cancer, and a pain in the ass. There are plenty of NHFL survivors out there, some diagnosed in Stage 4 - they survived and are doing well for decades. There is hope for NHFL survivors and other cancer patients. Keep the faith - go forth and conquer !