In case you haven't seen a post like this one below, and hopefully haven't fell for it, please don't
Member Posts: 742
This was posted on a Facebook Group by a troll:
"I Am Graham lost my wife to cancer two years back
Am here to offer emotional or maybe financial support to cancer victims
And maybe also make new friends"
It's hard to believe, but there are several people answering this troll and offering to talk and "be his friend". Those who can sniff this type of thing out quickly outed him and warned others not to fall for it. Just remember, nobody is going to randomly offer to help people with financial help. IT'S A SCAM.
After becoming your "friend" they will offer to send you some cash to help you out. And all they will need to give you this cash is your routing number and account number from your checking account.
Then tomorrow You're broke after they empty your account. Be safe, use common sense. If you have doubts about something like this, then don't. ....Just don't.
"I Am Graham lost my wife to cancer two years back
Am here to offer emotional or maybe financial support to cancer victims
And maybe also make new friends"
It's hard to believe, but there are several people answering this troll and offering to talk and "be his friend". Those who can sniff this type of thing out quickly outed him and warned others not to fall for it. Just remember, nobody is going to randomly offer to help people with financial help. IT'S A SCAM.
After becoming your "friend" they will offer to send you some cash to help you out. And all they will need to give you this cash is your routing number and account number from your checking account.
Then tomorrow You're broke after they empty your account. Be safe, use common sense. If you have doubts about something like this, then don't. ....Just don't.
Didn't P.T. Barnum quip: You can fool some of the people some of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time?0
NEVER GIVE BANKING INFORMATION TO ANYONE unless you are 5000% certain it is legitimate. And never over the phone or via the internet.0
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