Does the cold weather of Winter time give you problems while dealing with cancer?
Member Posts: 742
The treatments can make our joints stiff and hard to get around and walking on slick surfaces can be dangerous. Our blog post today has some reminders about some of these things that we might not think about when we are dealing with everything else. Take a look at it here >>
It is nearly 70 here. We have barely had any cold weather so far, much less rain, ice or snow. Still waiting!!0
Two winters ago when I was driving daily to radiation treatments mid-December to mid-January through some of the worst weather ever for that time of year it was very hard and very discouraging. I was expected to be there regardless of what the roads were. And the fact I truly despised every aspect of radiation didn't make it any easier. When I finally got through with it the weather, coincidently, decided to clear up.0
Wow, 70's, but you are in Texas, our weather wasn't far off last week we had 60's.0
The older I get the harder it is to deal with the winters here.Today right now is>
feels like 24°
H 41° / L 30°
Going on 41 later.Then snow tonight 1-2 inches of snow?
0 -
I think that I have neuropathy in my nose. It stays permanently cold with the slightest drop of temperature.
We're having the Hot/Cold Baby syndrome here in GA. Colder (30's at night and 50's in the day) but it's about to warm up to the high 60's in the coming week.0 -
One thing I found out is that wet sidewalks can be as slippery as icy ones.0
I have extreme sensitivity to bright light and cold surfaces. Some nice guy came to my front door and shoveled my walkway, driveway and cleared off my car. I wished I knew his name. He will never be forgotten for his kind gestures.0
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