If you're due for a colonoscopy this year, would you do it in light of COVID-19?

alivenwell Member Posts: 84
edited 2020 28 in General Cancer
Initially a friend nagged me to get a test which was a rude awakening that I had colon cancer. I am past 5 years NED (no evidence of disease) now but am due for a test again.
Should I?


  • Bengal
    Bengal Member Posts: 518
    edited 2020 28
    I had to have some tests recently. I was apprehensive but was told the hospital is probably one of the safest places to be. They have so many protocols in p!ace to protect there own people. If you are due for the oscopy you should do it. IMO
  • KB2013
    KB2013 Member Posts: 62
    edited 2020 28
    This can’t be the first colonoscopy since your cancer, right? If they say you should get one then, do so.
  • Carool
    Carool Member Posts: 787
    edited 2020 28
    I agree.
  • GregP_WN
    GregP_WN Member Posts: 742
    edited 2020 28 Answer ✓
    Get it. My hospital screes everyone coming in the door. I think you're less likely to get something there than anywhere. Now. Your doctor's clinic office is another story. The Last time I went the waiting room was full of people sniffling, snorting, coughing. I don't want to be anywhere near there.
  • LiveWithCancer
    LiveWithCancer Member Posts: 470
    edited 2020 28
    I think you should get one, too, especially since you've had colon cancer! When I went to have my port flushed, they were testing every person before entry into the facility by checking temperatures. Everyone entering had to wear a mask. And I presume that they are being extra-diligent in keeping everything wiped down. They had us scheduled so that there were only a couple of people in the waiting room. There was no one else, except the nurse, in the room where the port flush took place (even though there is room for two patients).
  • Teachertina
    Teachertina Member Posts: 205
    edited 2020 28
  • alivenwell
    alivenwell Member Posts: 84
    edited 2020 28
    Thanks everyone. I needed that push because I may be a slacker.
  • myb
    myb Member Posts: 20
    edited 2020 28
    I was scheduled for my 3 year surveillance colonoscopy when office shut down that week. I moved the appointment to April and now early June. I will see how things go with reopening here in NJ, but am still not sure if I feel comfortable going yet. I also have celiac disease (gluten allergy) which is an immune deficiency. I am an 8 year stage 3 survivor.
  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited 2020 28
    I agree with everyone. Definitely get the colonoscopy.
  • PattyF
    PattyF Member Posts: 7
    edited 2020 28
    Absolutely get it done. It isn’t worth the risk not to have a colonoscopy. Cancer doesn’t wait
  • Keith777
    Keith777 Member Posts: 4
    edited 2020 28
    Do it ...I have had three surgerys since covid broke out ...no problems .
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 394
    edited 2020 28
    I understand your apprehension completely but, yes, I'd say to get it done.
  • meyati
    meyati Member Posts: 308
    I went to my dentist last week, and it was crowded-but we all stayed 6 ft from each other. Nobody could go in, without people going out. They have one of those wave over the forehead thermometers they swiped near my forehead. I gave them a scare, because my temp was my normal 96.4. They thought their thermometer was broken-then if I was alive. Anyway, I went into the wash room and scrubbed my hands up. Then they cleaned my teeth. My dentist was happy that I washed my hair before my teeth exam.

    I think that is a top grade sanitary place, and they had all of those plastic cough sanitary guards around the check in-check out. Almost everyone asks you to hold your credit/debit card-- bar code up and they swipe that.. My dentist will only take debit cards. Same with my vet-and that is paying by phone after they bring your pet out and you have a chance to see the bill and ask questions.