We are lifting quarantine How to you feel ?

Member Posts: 225
As the quarantine is lifted do you feel
(A) Like you have been released from prison
(B) Like your fortress is crumbling
For me it is B.
People have said to me if you want to stay quarantined then just stay quarantined. Well that is possible for some but not for others. My son will have to go out and work. We discussed this. It will mean that he will distance himself even more.
(A) Like you have been released from prison
(B) Like your fortress is crumbling
For me it is B.
People have said to me if you want to stay quarantined then just stay quarantined. Well that is possible for some but not for others. My son will have to go out and work. We discussed this. It will mean that he will distance himself even more.
My county is still reporting new cases every day. Gov. Cuomo will not allow reopening until we are up to speed on testing and contact tracing. We are not! Opening will be phased in and if cases start to spike again we will back off. I will continue to self isolate and wear a mask in public until I personally feel safe to do otherwise. So, yeah, I would have to say B.0
B. I don't plan on rushing out just to get sick. I have only been going out once a week to physical therapy. And walks to strengthen my leg. But I have been home. I don't plan on going out for at least a few weeks after things open. I don't want to get sick.0
No real effect. I have been living a hermit's life since transplant in 2015. Maybe a return to restaurant food, but that's about it for the next two years - providing I am still here two years from now.0
It's just my husband and me. If you're over 65 in GA, our shelter-in-place is in effect until June 12. However, as long as new cases are being reported in the counties surrounding us, we will continue to self-isolate. I order groceries for pick-up and wear a mask to go into Aldi if I really, really need something that Kroger didn't have in stock. The risk is too great until there is a vaccine or no cases within 50 miles of me. That's my personal opinion - I didn't survive Stage IV cancer to take chances now.0
I've been isolated for 2 months now, and I've realized that this is what retirement is probably going to look like to me. And it's not bad. I could get used to this. I've gone out a couple of times, and we stopped and ate at cracker barrel yesterday on the way home, and again on the way up tonight. Very few people have masks on, people on top of each other. Kids with snotty, sniffling noses running around. I feel like I'm turning into the old man that opens the door and yells at the kids GET OFF MY LAWN!!!0
I really, really need a haircut! But I’ll wait longer until the mad rush at the salon dies down some after they open. I did trim the hair falling in my face, but not brave enough to tackle the rest! Lol! So it’s B for me!0
Here in NYC/Brooklyn we won’t be out of quarantine anytime soon. I am venturing a little further away from our apartment, to walk to the Trader Joe’s eight blocks away. I wear my mask always. The daily death toll is decreasing, but it’s in the 200s, which is, of course, devastating. I can’t envision when NYC will be reopening or what it’ll be like when it starts reopening.0
Still closed up here, but I was forced to go to the U. of Michigan hospital for tests. I was shocked, no waiting, free masks given out, constant cleaning, & hardly any other patients around either. Big change in attitude as well, no condescending nurses & doctors this time. The times they are a changing!
Everyone is wearing masks, well, let me amend that--- the crazy armed protestors at the capitol are not. Funny, they remember to bring their guns & dress up like he-man commandos, but forgot their masks. Bunch of wussies!
No eating out in restaurants, no haircuts, no gyms. But that's ok.0 -
We had a bunch of those protesters here, I watched them on YouTube. I was routing for a visit from the "Murder Hornet" It would serve them right
Governor Inslee has gone to stage 2 in a handful of trial counties. These will provide a blue print for the rest of the state.
0 -
Gov Dewine has started opening the state slowly. I still don't think it's time to reopen. Malls opened yesterday. I think restaurants open for patio service today. Hair salons, tattoo parlors, massage open I think at the end of the week. And I've discovered exactly how bad my medical PTSD is. I'm not ready to drag this stupid computer w/it's 2 monitors back into the office. My boss' wife is currently in treatment for breast cancer, so he sees me as having underlying medical issues. When they bring us back, they will do it a few at a time. I know I won't be the first one back in the office.0
Oh, better yet. I just saw where Vegas is considering reopening the casinos... Yikes!0
I just don't get tattoo parlors. Or, quite frankly, casinos. We will see a return of high numbers of cases and deaths by rushing to reopen. And those politicians who have said outright that a certain number of deaths is acceptable to save the ecomony? Are they willing to sacrifice their parents or siblings or children? Step right up folks.0
@BuckeyeShelby Every governor has a different idea of opening their state slowly. Our state has a whole different plan for vulnerable individuals. The general plan is a 4 phase plan. Right now we are in phase 1 until June 3rd. Outdoor recreation is allowed (fishing, golf and hiking) You must be masked and maintain a six foot distance from others. Oh yes look out for the Murder Hornets.
Construction has been restarted with social distancing restrictions, Also Landscaping and pest control businesses have been opened. Also there needs to be 14 Days of steady decline in cases before we can move to the next phase. The way the plan is written you would not be forced back to work until after Labor Day.0 -
JaneA, don’t think cancer pts will get vaccinated or those with known autoimmune diseases.0
KB2013 Why would those with autoimmune diseases be denied a vaccine? Of course in the rush to get a vaccine there may not be sufficient clinical trials to determine if the vaccine is safe for everyone but I understand there are several vaccines in development as well as several treatments. I also read somewhere that some immunotherapies for cancer were being studied as a basis for a vaccine0
I have 2 autoimmune diseases and a cancer diagnosis so biologics aren’t available to me but, here’s a good article on why rushing any vaccine isn’t the norm: https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/here-s-why-we-can-t-rush-covid-19-vaccine0
They've been opening up Texas more and more, too, but I am choosing to stay fairly quarantined at this time. I have been to the grocery store and I've met with friends a few times, but mostly, I've stayed in our little cocoon at home. And, since our daughter-in-law has not quarantined herself at all, I have purposefully not invited her here since the pandemic began in earnest in our state. Nor have I seen my 90-year-old mom since our state was shut down, just in case I have contracted the virus during my limited adventures.
It is nice to know that more stores will be open should I wish to visit them ... and that if my hair starts driving me too crazy, I can go get it cut ... and that I can get my CT scan that was postponed for 3 months ...0 -
NM's Iron Lady is allowing people to hike and run without masks-It's getting hot. She picked a church and a gun dealer to fine $10,000 a day, and the NM Supreme Court backed her up-in case you are curious, the gun dealer owes the state $60,000.
The Navajos finally got their $600 million. Even President Nez doesn't have running water, so half of it will gor for developing water. They were supposed to get their money way over a month ago. When Trump was in AZ for a rally about 2 weeks ago- Trump vowed to get the Navajos a few more millions, and Trump asked, if that would help the Navajos. President Nez, said that the Navajos would appreciate it, if they could get the legally approved 600 million that was over a month late.
We've been doing take out-Nobody can go in, but take out is allowed. A little over 2 weeks ago I had to go to a hardware store, On the way home I decided to get some bread and Lysol-some fresh veggies. A woman ahead of me had her face covered with scarves. When she got in, she took it off. She came down the Lysol aisle, my cart was not blocking her at all, she walked up to me and coughed all over me. Nobody was around, I did complain when I checked out.
When I got home, I wiped down the bags, put the bread away. Disinfected the truck's door handles, sterring wheel dash seats, console, brake shifter etc. I showered and washed my hair. washed my mask-I also put on clean clothes and threw the contaminated clothes in the washer--
On the news that night the police tased and arrested a jerk that coughed in the face of the police then spit when they asked for his ID-bad driving-- you know, I wish that a cop had been with me. I won't go back to that store. I prefer the Walmart in the War Zone. Those people are so nice. They keep staff out to help people find things-make sure customers wear masks. or distance. People walk down an aisle- and everyone snugs up on their side of shelves--we face the shelves to reduce breathing germs.0 -
Meyati, I’m not shocked, unfortunately, by what you experienced. There are some very vicious people out there. I’m glad that the man who spat at the cop was tased and arrested. I wish your assailant had been, too.0
We received a note from our church saying they plan on opening slowly. When over 50% of the Parrish is over 60, I think they need to really think this through. They say some masses will be done beginning May 30th but you won't see me or my checkbook until at least August.0
Dunno how I feel about this. I hope we've waited long enough for the virus to dissipate but I fear we haven't. Fun fact, my grandmother caught Spanish flu when she was a student at University of Oregon in 1918. They sent her home by train! She was at home for a full year before the school opened back up. Perhaps we should be learning from the example of the past?
In the meantime, I'm staying home except for chemo treatments. I'll take my advice from my oncology team. Governor Inslee may open our state back up but I still have immune issues to contend with. Wishing everyone here good health and happy times.0 -
I was very pleased when I heard the church I attend has decided to delay opening for awhile. Our pastor is only 37 years old ... and much of the (large) congregation is young ... but he said in a video that he didn't want to be the person who was responsible for our most vulnerable populations (older folks and young kids ... like he said, "a three-year-old doesn't understand social distancing" ... and "how does a person keep his or her distance while changing a diaper?") I had already decided that I wasn't going back to the church building for a while - I was glad that our pastor is astute and empathetic enough to realize that many of us just aren't quite to that point yet.0
I talked with a lady from our congregation about opining up the church, she said that even if they have some services, they will continue to stream services for vulnerable individuals. Our pastor is also very vulnerable as he has ALS. Any way the 4 phase plan does not allow gatherings of over 50 until phase 4 phase 1 will be evaluated May 31 before any area can go to phase 2 it must show 14 days of steady decline in cases and the area must remain in each phase for at least 3 weeks.0
Most of the churches--Catholic cathedrals, small protestant-Catholic, sikh and Buddhist temples, mosques, etc. all abided by the health laws. Many seemed very happy to update and start using electronics with streaming, while obeying th law.
The church in question is a megachurch-not the largest, but large. The first thing they did was go to court. The governor had the case expedited to the state supreme court. The court ruled against the church. Then they made their Sunday service with almost a 100 people in the production and others went in to watch. The Governor put out that other churches are able to make the production, while following the laws.
This time that church went to the head of NM GOP, and he's appealing to Trump. The news interviewed other pastors, and they are buying packaged communion packs for individuals-which the problem church does not want to do, they have parking lot services,
Sp, the state police are watching these .0 -
meyati-- no one forces people to go to this church.
Sounds like they are sheeples!!
Really can't feel sorry for people who blindly follow others. Sounds like a cult like the one Jim Jones had, and we all know what happened to them.0 -
I never said that anybody forced anybody to go to church. The people-sheeple like it, and that's why they are happy to skip, in my opinion, common sense, but look at lots of people in Wisconsin. They aren't church people-but bar people.
For me, while I would risk my life for something, I wouldn't risk anybody elses life. I think that you are the same way. I will add that lots of church es and their people here in NM are digging into their own reserves and having pop up food banks, gathering food and cleaning supplies to take to the Navajos. Most our churches stayed closed today, in spite of allowing 25% of the building occupancy in the church.0 -
I live in the Delmarva, the southern coast of Delaware on the Maryland/Delaware border. They started phase 1 and we haven’t even flattened the curve here yet. This is a beach town and the hordes of tourists are storming the beaches and many are not social distancing or wearing masks. I’m staying in and only going out for essentials and doctor visits right now but, I plan to go out a little more at some point. Covid is going be around for a very long time so I realize we all can’t stay in forever but taking precautions to be safe for yourself and others is Important. We have so many battles as cancer survivors. Praying for an effective and safe vaccine.0
My county has now gone a week with no new cases. Yay. But, This is the time the summer people start to come in. They come from, literally, all over the country. They have been asked to bring a two week supply of food with them and self isolate for the first two weeks. What are the chances of that happening in reality? My sister lives on a large lake well know as a fishing destination. She lives right next door to a motel which caters to fishermen (and women). She said this week the place had been hopping, nobody wearing masks. The only good news, they are only opening Wednesday through Sunday morning giving them Sunday trough Tuesday to thoroughly clean and disinfect. She is still a bit nervous being right next door though and avoids that side of her yard. This thing is far from over and I predict, even with very cautious, soft openings, we're headed for another rise in cases. I will continue to avoid crowded areas and wear a mask. A couple of days ago I had to go to Wal-Mart for a few things I couldn't get elsewhere. I hadn't been in that store for almost 2 months. I was very uncomfortable the who!e time I was in there.0
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