Have you gotten a 2nd opinion? Have you ever heard of a "virtual" 2nd opinion?
Member Posts: 742
One thing that the Coronavirus outbreak has expedited is the whole world of "telehealth". Doctor's visits by computer. Some are even just doing a phone call. We have talked about these new types of doctor's visits here at WhatNext before, but haven't gotten into the 2nd opinion by computer or phone.
Our blog post today examines what a virtual second opinion is, how it works, what you will need to provide, and more. Take a look at the article here>> https://bit.ly/2Ab7GuU
Please click on the share buttons on the article to share it on your social media platforms, or email it to someone who may find it useful.
Our blog post today examines what a virtual second opinion is, how it works, what you will need to provide, and more. Take a look at the article here>> https://bit.ly/2Ab7GuU
Please click on the share buttons on the article to share it on your social media platforms, or email it to someone who may find it useful.
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