Radiation | Internal radiation
I radiation on my pelvis
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
I had cancer on my spine removed near my scull. I still have lingering issues with balance & trembling.
Radiation | External radiation
1st time I had radiation on my spine and wore a brace for 3 months.
Oh No | Health insurance issue
Insurance company I had when I was diagnosed refused to pay anything towards hospital bill, surgery or the cancer scans. So stressful and has financially ruined me.
Reconstructed surgery
I am going through reconstruction surgery. I still have my implants in. What I would like to know everyone thoughts on the pros and cons on which implants I should get silicone or saline ?
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Had a radical right neck dissection, laryngectomy and tonsillectomy
TNBC chemo
My doctor recommends I start on Trodelvy; need to have port put back in...questioning if I can handle it. Does anyone have experience with this chemo?
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Cancer on January 3. Started on the right tonsil and metastasized to the lymph nodes
Support System
I think those of us who have been around for awhile, whether actively or not, would say we have found support here. Most, if not all, of us who were here before Greg earned his wings would agree that this was a very supportive and active site. I would say it was a very proactive site- always with tips, hints,…
Eye issues. Is this a thing?
Has anyone else who has gone through a prolonged chemo therapy/radiation regimen subsequently experienced problems with their eyes. I got severe inflammation of the eyes during chemo (extreme light sensitivity, pain and redness. Another thing nobody bothered to mention was a high probability). My last treatment was summer…
What book(s) are you reading?
MarcieB suggested we resume sharing what we’re reading. I’ll start, below.
medication chart
We are in the thick of treating anaplastic thyroid cancer with radiation and chemotherapy. We are in our 10th day and need a chart of some kind to keep track of meds, feeding(my daughter has a traech and feeding tube). I do OK with technology but don't know how to create a chart to keep track of it all. Thanks,…
On which side was your breast cancer?
A group I belong to recently asked this question. Out of 60 of us, the majority is on the left side. I also noticed this during chemo. My cancer was in my left breast and left axilla. So, I was wondering how many here also had their cancer in their left breast. Have any of you seen an article or research about this.
Friendships and Life Circumstances
A lot of us have gotten to know each other pretty well and we do share about other experiences other than our cancer treatment. I think our "whole" lives often affect our cancer treatments and healing and recovery. I recently saw a comment from someone who said this is "STRICTLY" for posting experiences and advice…
Arm Update
Okay, so my disclaimer first- this is not cancer related so if you are going to be bent out of shape by reading something non-cancer related- bail out now or you must accept full responsibility for any offense you incur by reading further. I finally got my referral authorization to see the ortho doctor. My next appointment…
Side Effects | Pain
I had R-CHOP for DLBCL and finished in early jan of 2020. I was NED after 4 treatments but my doctor wanted me to have the full 6. I had hit an inguinal lympth node with the corner of a large table I was moving, I hit it hard and thought I had seriously injuured myself. I felt the area for several days and comapred to the…
I am 8 years out from invasive ducal ER/PR positive breast cancer. I just found out St. John’s Wort contains phytoestrogens. Should I be taking SJW?
Friendly Friday
Not a question about diagnosis or treatment. Just a check in with everyone here to see how you are doing. I find that just checking in from time to time reminds us all that we are not alone and someone still "sees" us in the times we think we have talked ourselves blue in the face to our family, doctors, et cetera. No…
One more time - To Pill? Or not to Pill?
In Dec, my doctor advised changing my anastrozole to Tamoxifen because I cannot handle the bone meds one has to take with aromatase inhibitors. She said, I had a *complete response* to my chemo so I would be a good candidate to take this drug. I decided to switch, but first I took a pill vacation for over a month. I can't…
Who has had recurrence after successful surgery?
I had Stage 2 and successful partial radical vulvectomy and am curious who had recurrence?
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Coulple weeks off work turned into three months. Horrible yeast infection, nausea like morning sickness with estrogen cream, no baths sucked, trying to stay clean and keep house spotless was really hard sharing a bathroom with my family. Couldn’t sit without horrible pain for months, prolapse made excercise almost…
squamous cell cancer
I am 3 yrs in remission from double hit Lymphoma. Just got diagnosis of 'unspecified origin' Squamous cell cancer in lymph nodes in neck. CT and PET scans ordered. Very discouraged. Anyone have experience with this? Love to hear. Thanks all
squamous cell cancer
I am 3 yrs in remission from double hit Lymphoma. Just got diagnosis of 'unspecified origin' Squamous cell cancer in lymph nodes in neck. CT and PET scans ordered. Very discouraged. Anyone have experience with this? Love to hear. Thanks all
Had thoracentesis caused by breast cancer in lung. Will liquid come back?
Had thoracentesis caused by breast cancer in lung. Will liquid come back?
I used to do something on my Facebook page that I called "earth angels." It was a way of speaking kindness into someone's day and recognizing them for something positive. Sometimes it was just telling them I loved their laugh. Sometimes it was a thank you for something specific they had done. We all feel a little…
The Final Curtain
It is time to bid all farewell. I am so thankful for the respite and safe haven this site and all of you provided in the early days of my journey. I realize my journey is far from over as we all have to live with the aftermath of our diagnosis for years to come, whether it be recurrence, metastasis, worry and anxiety, or…
Fibromyalgia post bilateral mastectomy
Fibromyalgia post bilateral mastectomy
Promising research on mRNA vaccines
Hi! Haven’t been here for awhile. I just read this and think it’ll be of interest: https://www.cancerhealth.com/blog/can-mRNA-vaccines-help-treat-cancer I hope to check in more often.
Thankful Thursday
It's Wednesday evening in my time zone but I'll put this out there anyway for Thursday. Let's do a Thankful Thursday. What are you thankful for today, uh, tomorrow, uh, on Thursday? You know what I mean.
Continue to have serious sinus and throat problems after only one treatment of Cisplatin on November
All types of blood work has been done even for autoimmune disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Nothing. Dexamethasone steroids at times, has been the only drug that helps. I have a difficult time getting them to relieve the serious sinus and throat blockage. Allergy testing and three different ENT doctors no help either.…