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Member Posts: 518
So, is WhatNext dead? I am all in favor of "letting life happen" but it seems that is ALL that is on this site anymore. Feel really bad for newly diagnosed looking for answers or support. They will not find either here.
Thank you for writing, Bengal. I’ve missed everyone.
My husband is on hospice care at home. I’m working on arranging 24/7 care as I can’t do this alone. He has had another downturn and I need muscle to help me take care of him. Fortunately, his brother happens to be visiting so he is helping now.
I hope everyone is well.0 -
Hi, Bengal. It sure seems like we are pretty much done. I think the same thing when I see a new person has joined. It makes me sad. There always was such a great group of members helping each other. I am sure that Greg is very sad about this.0
Bug, I am sending good thoughts and prayers to you and your husband.0
Prayers for you, husband and family, Bug.
I always watch for new messages, but they are spread out at this time. We don't have anybody devoted to us to keep it going. Always appreciate all that I see. Love to all.0 -
I feel the same way like you all.This place is not the same.0
I am so sorry I have been MIA for the past month. Something weird is going on with me - I have had a fever for almost a month now. I have been to the ER twice and have had two entirely different diagnosis. First they said I had a Kidney infection and sent me home with antibiotics. When that didn't stop the pain I went back and was told it was muscular. I have had an EKG, two chest w-rays and two C-scans, plus extensive bloodwork and on paper I am fine. Right now I am scared.0
Sorry for asking this ,but have you gotten thos shots and wear a mask? Pleas don't get offended .Just asking.0
Oh, MarcieB, I am so sorry to hear this. I sure hope that the doctors can get to the bottom of this soon. It drives me crazy when no one has an answer. Please keep us posted when you feel up to it. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you.
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Bug, getting help will be good for you. Wish you didn't have to be in that predicament. Give hubby a hug from us all.0
Marcie, I have had headaches, rashes and other aches and pains 4 months at a time that couldn't be explained medically. I've gone through doctors and tests each time. All of these maladies have gone away and I'm hoping that yours does too. I know it's no fun when it lasts for months though0
Bug, thinking of you and hubbie. Seems these have been tough times for all. MacieB, scary when we KNOW something is not right but medical community can't seem to figure it out. I've been through some of that too. Frustrating, frightening and, at times, infuriating. Pauline, no judgement as long as you grant others the same courtesy. You are certainly entitled to your opinion as are others.
Wish someone ( there will never be another Greg!) would volunteer to step forward and take the reins of WhatNext. This was a wonderful resource. Now I monitor occasionally to see if there "might" be a new question posed. Usually all I find is "Letlifehappen". Bummed.0 -
MarcieB, I'm so sorry for what you're going through. It's totally understandable that you'd be scared. What is the next step or test?
Thank you, everyone, for your support. I really appreciate it - and need it. The hospice nurse was here today. My husband's twin brother is here visiting and he mentioned that he is scheduled to leave on Monday. The hospice nurse said she would be surprised if my husband lasted that long. Then she examined my husband and said she'd be surprised if he made it to the weekend.0 -
Oh, Bug, so sorry you are having to go through this. Wonderful that you have brother-in- law and hospice there to help. My thoughts will be with you.0
Oh, Bug, I am so sorry to hear that your husband isn't long for this world.
I am also sorry to hear of your medical issues, Marcie.
As for this site and support for all new members, this is still a safe place to come; we're just without a leader to keep things going. Just as people have posted here, I am sure there will be posts if you put up your questions. I know I don't get daily emails anymore, but when new members come up, why not welcome them and encourage them to post questions? HUGS and God bless.
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Bug so sorry to hear that hubby is so sick.
How long have you been married?0 -
Thank you, my friends.
I think ChildofGod is right that it is good to welcome and encourage new members.
Lorie, we’ve been married 31 years and dated for five. He’s my best friend.0 -
Oh Bug, I am so sad to hear this. I am glad that your brother-in-law is with you.0
Bug, these are very surreal days for you. I am deeply sorry you are going through this, I know you will do it with grace.
I am better, but not 100%. I'm pretty sure this is resulting from an injury I had which I did not think was a big deal at the time (I was in my car, trying to reach something on the passenger side floor...and forgot there was a bulky consul between me and that object. It REALLY hurt when I slammed into it, but subsided pretty quick. The next day is when I awoke with horrible pain and fever.
Thank you all for your concern, I must admit I feel bad using this forum to talk about my pain when right now our friend, Bug, is going through the worst of times. I know all our hearts are with her.0 -
MarcieB, coincidentally, my name is Grace. I do hope I can manage this situation with grace as well.
I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better. I hope everything clears up soon. Hitting your car console sounds painful. And thank you for your sentiment about using this forum to discuss it but don't feel bad. As painful as our situation is, I know the world does not stop because of it. And I *want* to know what is happening with my friends - good and bad. Hugs to you and everyone.0 -
Oh Bug, MarcieB - how life is all about these out of left-field jabs. Bug, I'm glad you are having hospice get involved. They will be enormous help to you - and continue on through the months to come. Warm thoughts and love sent your way...
MarcieB - have been thinking of you lately as my surgery date for reconstruction is in 4 weeks and I'm all over the map in emotions. There's this thing about it being the biggest, longest surgery I've ever had and also, my person - Scott, my dearest son - isn't in the breathing world as the "hook" that pulls me back out of anesthesia...which is always difficult for me. Surgeon has arranged for possibly 2 nights hospital stay for me...and that's unheard of now days. It's a long procedure with lots of cutting. Removing scar tissue in the cancer breast and repositioning the nipple, and in the opposite, reducing the size, nipple position and matching both. Want very small, absolutely NO skin on skin contact and able to lie on my tummy eventually.
I have a lovely neighbor that will take me and bring me home. I have 2 sets of wonderful 600tc organic cotton sheets, lots of frozen prepared goodies and it's slowly becoming spring. I'm finding my snatches of gratitude when I try...
Now Bengal - I've thought alot of what you wrote - about What next dying a slow death. I will be very honest in saying I seriously DO NOT like LetLifeHappen. Those blogposts do not belong front page, if at all. They need to be in a different publication at the very best. If a newbie logged on, and saw all those oft-clinical links to somewhere else concerning many times drugs, legislation, etc - they'd log off immediately. This was/should be a forum of...real people. There are dozens of other sites to publish things like that. I realized yesterday when I was thinking of what you said, that I personally believe that person, or that blog, has been one of the contributing reasons we are now failing. I don't come here for that.
I remember being so very fortunate back 5 or 6 years back - as a newbie, voicing my fears, concerns, questions I thought stupid...and opening up this world of of friends - who shared so much. I do not know what the solution is. I'm wondering if anyone besides the dirty dozen of us even cares.
My thoughts for another snowy day in MN -
Pam0 -
Ashera, wishing you well with your surgery. Have everything you use on the counter so you don't have to reach. Get paper plates, have milk in smaller containers, start eating more protein now and after surgery for healing. Use a lanyard in the shower if you have drains. You've got this, girl!!0
Ashera I like what you said! Apparently we have little or no input into how this site (a shadow of it's former self with Greg) is run but "LetLifeHappen" should be a separate page (of whatever the correct term would be) that folks who are interested could go to separately from the conversational forum. It just turns me away when I sign on and that's all I see. It's discouraging to see think that much a wonderful resource has come to this.0
- All Categories
- 7 Announcements
- 848 General Discussion
- 880 General Cancer
- 3 Adrenal Cortical Cancer
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- 10 Multiple Myeloma
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- 4 Skin Cancer - Non-Melanoma
- Small Intestine Cancer
- 3 Soft Tissue Sarcoma
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- 1 Testicular Cancer
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- 7 Thyroid Cancer
- 2 Vaginal Cancer
- Vulvar Cancer