Member Posts: 528
Oh dear. I trust I am not the only person to open her email and discover TWENTY SIX What Next notices? All of them appearing to be some sort of drug scam posted under a thread that is over a year old (about Greg, no less!) Obviously, we are not being monitored? I am so disappointed.
Just got the myriad notices from the Digest (Digest? This lack of care by the mods makes me vomit). The mods suck bigtime.0
I clicked on "Stop Following". I'm glad I remembered that option.
What a mess. I'm really disappointed, too. What a turn off for a newcomer or anyone else to see. I agree that it looks like the site isn't being monitored.0 -
MarcieB and Carool, I hope you don't mind me posting this here but I figured you'd see it... I submitted a Question to inform people that my husband passed on March 22. I wanted to thank people for their support. I am skeptical that anyone will see it, though, because of the way the site is running. Do either of you have any suggestions on how to get the word out? Maybe I need to go to each person's home page separately...?0
I just wrote to the site and notified them of the question that is getting spammed. I doubt it will help but I thought I'd try.0
Bug, of course I don’t mind your posting the question here.
I think the best way is to go to each person’s page, as you said. It’s a lot of work, unfortunately, and I know you have a lot to do in general. If I devise a more efficient way, I’ll let you know.
I haven’t been looking at WN recently. The only reason I looked today was to complain about the barrage of “answers,” but I couldn’t remember the name of the moderator.
Bug, my heart goes out to you over your loss of your husband/best friend:0 -
Reposted with edit of typos:
I just posted this PM on WhatNext’s Facebook page:
“I’m a longtime WN member. Ever since Greg died, the actual WN site has been unattended. Now we’re being bombarded with ‘answers’ that are spam. I’ve gotten 75 such email notices.
“WN should remove itself from FB so that no new cancer survivors are fooled by thinking this is still the very supportive and informative site it was under Greg’s care.”0 -
Hi all - interesting that I have not received the spam messages, at least not yet. In fact, today is the first day in well over a week that I have gotten anything at all. It seems like the same few people are the only ones posting responses as well, even though when I do receive a post, new members are often listed. The whole thing needs a revamp.0
Same here like Dltmoll.
I don't know what this is all about.I've been on WN since 2012 and now things are not the same since Greg.0 -
I too reported the numerous spam messages. Oh it makes me so sad that this site remains unmonitored and unattended.0
I’m furious — but that’s my default setting these days. It’s disgusting that “they” let WN diminish. They don’t even have the decency to let us know they DGAF. I guess they assume we can surmise that through their inaction.
I don’t care how busy the mods are with other things. The very least they can do is to notify us that WN is no more or will soon be. And they’re STILL on Facebook, attracting newbies who are seeking help.0
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