Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Paclitaxol plus Carboplatin plus Neulasta. Pains everywhere plus incontinence and inability to sleep more than 3 hours at a time.
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
Total robotic hysterectomy. Looked good on the outside but hurt on the inside. It surprised me that I could walk, but I could! Serious pain med for one day and only at night the next. after that only Tylenol.
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Shock and shaky for a day or so until it sunk in. Made appt. with the surgeon immediately. My mom had the exact same cancer in her 50s and didn't survive past the chemo. Scared to death!
What is up?
So, is WhatNext dead? I am all in favor of "letting life happen" but it seems that is ALL that is on this site anymore. Feel really bad for newly diagnosed looking for answers or support. They will not find either here.
Update on my Husband
Hi, everyone. I'm writing to let you know that my sweet, brilliant and silly husband passed on March 22. I'm heartbroken. I don't know if anyone is even going to see this post because of the way the site is running these days but I wanted to say something because so many of you have been so kind and supportive. Thank you,…
Mod (whomever you are): PLEASE REMOVE SPAMMERS. We’re getting bombarded with http://www.whatnext.com/questions/missing-greg-s-posts-and-praying-he-s-okay?utm_campaign=Notify&utm_content=FollowedQuestion. Is anyone ducking paying attention to this site? Muthaducking irritating.
Any suggestions for overcoming constant bacterial bladder infections? I am very aware of clean-dry-taking meds properly…maybe diet/vitamins in addition to?
Decision Point | I chose no more but youngest son requested me to be open to everything
All fighting to stay alive & productive…
Other Care | Comprehensive medical staff & physicans supporting professionally & privately
All positive/supportively
What's up with the spam and ads?
Who is a moderator on WN? Colby or Dave can you have this stopped? I was helping when my brother in law Greg Pierce was living. I've tried to get to the comments as moderator to report them but it doesn't show them. Each of them shows in my email and is junking it up. Looks like the site is pretty much running itself…
Oh dear. I trust I am not the only person to open her email and discover TWENTY SIX What Next notices? All of them appearing to be some sort of drug scam posted under a thread that is over a year old (about Greg, no less!) Obviously, we are not being monitored? I am so disappointed.
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Initial chemo had multiple side effects that had strong effects on my daily life. However, the chemo that I've been on since being diagnosed metastatic have, for the most part been acceptable.
Diagnosed just as pandemic began. Went back a...
Diagnosed just as pandemic began. Went back and forth on best way to treat, decided to start with antiestrogen therapy hoping pandemic would get under control quickly...that did not happen.
Mets to brain in 9/30/22. Couple tumors with...
Mets to brain in 9/30/22. Couple tumors with one size of tennis ball. Devastating. Had loss mobility of left leg and hand. Received 10 aggressive full brain radiation sessions. Radiation side effects have been terrible. Changes to my chemo.
Side Effects changes?
I know most of us get some (or many) side effects from drugs we need to take, but I am wondering if anyone has experienced their side effects changing or going away? I have been taking anastrozole for over two years now and at first I didn't notice any problems. Then I began to awake with some stiffness in my joints, but…
Is anyone have complications after years of Cervical Cancer Survivor?
My colon is narrow, has scar tissue and my gastroenterologist found one polyp on it but she removed it during the colonoscopy and the pathology results was good, not cancerous. Also, I have Osteoarthritis on Sacroiliac joints and mild neuropathy on my feet (more in the left foot) and have been limping because I have loss…
Side Effects | Fatigue (tiredness)
I’m only 2 monthly doses into a 12 month treatment plan.
Procedure or Surgery | Surgery
My kidney was removed and all surrounding tissue was clean.
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
My cancer was found during another surgery. At first they thought it was worst then it was.
Celebration | Remission
March 4th 2022 celebrated my 8 years of remission. I still have my port ,for the “ just in case “ return of the beast, but it seems the chances of this are growing dimmer and dimmer. My progress however still in the minority for ovarian cancer survivors. Sadly ,even all these years later since my diagnosis, overall…
Looking for information on your experience with Doxil and side effects
Hi i’ve just been diagnosed with recurrence of stage 4b ovarian cancer. Have been in remission a year and now have a recurrence the previous chemo I was on consisted of carboplatinum and Taxol. My doctor is now switching me to carboplatinum and Doxil. I would appreciate anyone who has had this to give me an idea what kind…
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Hormone therapy
diagnosed just as pandemic started, went back and forth on best way to proceed, decided on antiestrogen therapy to start hoping pandemic would be under control soon ... it wasn't!
If you had HRD+ Ovarian cancer and are in remission, how long have you been in remission?
Does a lumpectomy *fill in?*
I had my lumpectomy in January of 2019. As a result my left breast was smaller and had a kind of whithered appearance, especially on the side close to my arm because I had some lymph nodes removed too. I have three scars in that area, one under my arm pit. Lately I have noticed my breast seems to have *filled in.* It is…
Wondering if anyone with anal cancer has had a secondary cancer following treatment...and surgery af
Wondering if anyone with anal cancer has had a secondary cancer following treatment...and surgery af
Celebration | I lived
I survived my cancer, unlike my family.
Loss | My mind/Sense of Humor
along with one kidney and my beloved sister at 35, brother at 65 and Mom at 74 all from cancer. I was dx'd with kidney cancer, no symptoms and now have one kidney.
Decision Point | Do I get radiation therapy?
I am trying to decide if I need to get radiation therapy. After surgery, the surgeon felt confident I would not need chemo, and probably not radiation, given the risk/benefit ratio. The radiation oncologist said that according to the "standard of care" I would need 30 radiation treatments because the cancer was in more…
Touch Base Tuesday
I hope everyone is doing okay. We are finally starting to get some warmer weather around here in coastal South Carolina. I know that our "cold" weather is nothing compared to what many of you have gotten this year. Things are moving along here. Just wanted to say hello and wish you all well.
Procedure or Surgery | Double Mastectomy
My mastectomy at first went well. Then again with doctors this surgeon took my drainage tubes out too early and did not prescribe antibiotics. I then got a terrible infection in my left breast that became very infected. I ended up in the hospital for strong antibiotics and another surgery now my chest looks awful like I…