Henrietta Lacks
If you have not already taken time to read the article that you can access on the homepage, you MUST do so. What a fascinating bit of history. It really does bring up some interesting questions and thoughts about medical research and privacy. Once some others read it, please come back and post with some thoughts. I would…
Sea Monsters (C-Monsters)
I am going to really age myself with this post, but I remember a show called Sigmund and the Sea Monsters. It was about some boys who found this sea monster named Sigmund who was kicked out of his family for refusing to frighten people. That's sort of how I felt when I first encountered this group. It was the place that…
Anyone out there?
Anyone Out There? I was hoping with the rebirth of WhatNext that we would get some conversation going. My only personal experience is with breast cancer. My grandmother had Lymphoma in her mid-90's but she went through a short course of treatment and went into remission so I don't have much experience with that. What I do…
The 29th is Rare Cancer Day
What cancers are considered to be "rare"?
Seasons of Life
Well, as many of us are experiencing the dog days of summer, I am wondering about many of you. It has been quite hot, beyond hot, here in coastal South Carolina. So, using "seasons" as a theme, I am hoping some of you will share with us about the current "season" of your life. What do you love about the current season and…
Survivor Guilt
It's probably one of the most "useless emotions" ever, but I think it does plague many of us. For those with Stage 0 and Stage 1 cancers that were "easily treatable" our journey may be a lumpectomy with a short period of radiation, a single mastectomy and then nothing more- no radiation or chemotherapy. We feel so…
Loss | My mind/Sense of Humor
Although everyone dies, and I am not afraid, I am afraid of pain and stress
Great to see the group back!!
I was happy to receive the email today that this group is back. I hope others will find it and it will help with their journey dealing with cancer.. Greg was such a great support and always upbeat he definitely will be missed..
Symptom Management | osteoporosis
Almost 3 years with hormone blocker and decided to take a 2 week break from anastrozole to see if bone/joint pain makes any difference. Osteoporosis is the biggest problem as it has advanced some in just a year. Update, after 2 weeks, there was no significant change in side effects (seems I have most of them under…
Side Effects | Fatigue (tiredness)
Again, from the beginning of my diagnosis, fatigue is an ongoing problem that I work hard at managing on a regular basis.
Our Little Angel of Adrenal Cortical Cancer
As "life goes on" please take a moment to read this message. Riley's mother has a birthday coming up and her older sister does as well. Perhaps if you could send a card to either, as requested by Riley's Mimi- it might bring a smile on a day of very tearful "firsts" after the passing of Riley. Team Riley Faith Olivia is…
Sharing my experience & Seeking Your Stories About Clinical Trials
Hey everyone, my name is Andrew. Last March, my mother passed away from breast cancer. During the time she was in the hospital my family sought out clinical trails, hoping there was any chance at survival. Unfortunately, we could not find anything. Doctors turned down every hopeful study we had, and online resources were…
Where is everyone?
Is anyone here? How is summer going for everyone? It is quite hot here on the South Carolina coast. I have no particular news to share about myself. I would love to generate a little discussion here and get people talking. Do you have any special plans as summer starts to wind down? I mean, it's still right in the middle…
Breast Cancer Support
Welcome to the discussions regarding breast cancer. This forum "WhatNext" was created years ago and then sort of fell into a "deep sleep" for almost a year. This forum can offer a lot of support and community as you navigate your journey with breast cancer. All of us have different paths, and I am here to tell you that…
Mutant genes CHEK2 and ATM
I have had two bouts with breast cancer. Because of the mutant genes, I started with preventative testing. After the first Ct scan they found a tumor on my left kidney. It was malignant. The gene testing saved my life. Has anyone had experiences with gene testing ? Did you get one or more of the cancers the genes represent?
Welcome back!
Great to see WhatNext back online. Social media has been taking over the conversation, but forums like WhatNext far better serve our community, I think. Since I've been gone, I have picked up a 4th cancer (Squamous Cell Carcinoma), but it seems to have been confined to the scalp and between excision and topical…
Had surgery for squamous cell cancer inside n...
Had surgery for squamous cell cancer inside neck lymph nodes. Tumors had NOT (yay) metastasized. Some stiffness and pain but hooray! They're gone.
Experiences after Treatment
Was diagnosed with stage IIIC colon cancer last February, had resection surgery and completed 6 months of Folfox at the end of August. I am feeling good and don't have any real side effects to talk about, but I have been more emotional recently than I ever was last year. I would love to know what to expect after Folfox,…
Did survey but did not reciee compensation?
What are my options?
Other Care | Waiting for tests and to see other docs
Saw a surgeon, who will head my team and get appointments with oncologist and radiation oncologist, who will then schedule tests, who will then decide my treatment who will then tell me. Seems like a long way around
Procedure or Surgery | Mastectomy
The emotional part was harder than the surgery
Is anyone experiencing survivor guilt?
Having a difficult time coping with the loss of a friend who had same diagnosis. She recently passed and I am still here. It's not fair. Has any one else experienced this?
Rates of Late-Stage Cervical Cancer Increasing
Article written by Jessica Lynn. "In the United States, overall rates of cervical cancer are falling. This sounds like a good thing, right? On one hand, it is good to see – although there is another part of this equation. While overall rates have fallen, rates of late-stage cervical cancer have continued to rise. According…
Where can I find help for non medical care?
Need someone for housework chores and errands
Checking In
Hi Everyone, I think it is time for a check-in. We are well into summer and the world has been kind of crazy - not so many road trips since gas has gone out of sight. But, I did have a week with my 13 year old granddaughter and loved discovering what a fine young lady she is becoming! She lives in Austin Texas, so I do not…
hmmm...two days ago I posted a question about vertigo, or at least I thought I did? I've been wondering why I haven't had a response, because I know this group - there is usually one or more response even if it is simply "I don't know?" So I am trying again. I have noticed a tendency to experience a slight case of…
Vitamin D levels
Where your Vitamin D levels low at the time of diagnosis? Are they low now? Does your physician check them yearly? My level was 17 at time of diagnosis in 2014. It took nearly 2 years to get them above 30, the bottom level of normal. This was copied from the National Institute of Health-- There is a well-documented…
BEP chemo didn’t work! Stem cell transplant or TIP chemo
Hello everyone my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer back in February. He started with a stomach pain and we went to the ER they discovered it was testicular cancer and it was in his lymph nodes and base of lungs so they administered the first round of BEP while he was in the hospital. Then after being…
coming weeks
Hello, WhatNexters!I am writing for the purpose of starting a new thread, since my *Vertigo* question has become quite lengthy. And we are talking about all kinds of things (as we should), so I thought we might need a new place to talk? . Tomorrow my 11 year old granddaughter (from Texas) is coming to stay with us for a…
Does anyone have MDS?
Want to know about your treatment