Anyone out there?

Anyone Out There? I was hoping with the rebirth of WhatNext that we would get some conversation going. My only personal experience is with breast cancer. My grandmother had Lymphoma in her mid-90's but she went through a short course of treatment and went into remission so I don't have much experience with that.

What I do have experience with is being a listening ear/ reading eye, a shoulder to cry on, a cheerleader, an encourager. If anyone just needs to vent or blow off steam, I am here for you.

As fall begins to creep into the lives of some of us, what are your end of the year plans? Leaf looking? Halloween plans? Thanksgiving Plans? December holiday plans? I celebrate Christmas, but I am always interested to learn more about the cultures of others.

How has your cancer journey affected the way you and your loved ones/.support system approach holidays? Does it make it hard? Do you dread holidays? Do you approach them with more enthusiasm and a sense of YOLO?