Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
I was started on Gemzar. I had two infusions before I decided to change oncologists because I wasn't happy with the first oncologist who was very wishy washy
Procedure or Surgery | Biopsy
While in procedure for biopsy, I had got pleural effusions and pneumothorax which kept me in the hospital for 3 days. It was supposed to be an outpatient procedure!
Er leads. Has anyone been on this
Er leads. Has anyone been on this
Side effects of Braftovi/mektovi
Husband just starting this. What can we expect
Oh No | Just Diagnosed
Feeling overwhelmed and scared
Biopsy done.
As scheduled, my daughter brought me to the hospital for the dreaded biopsy. I've just been so nervous about it. I was settled in at 10am as scheduled and for the next two hours I was questioned by several, prodded by many You all know the drill. Blood work, IV, ECG, etc. The doctor was impressed that I brought him the CD…
Procedure or Surgery | Lumpectomy
Had a seroma and wound is still open and healing
Has anyone been in contact with Donna Pierce?
Hi! Just wanted to know how Donna is doing.
Changing Course
I recently learned that a friend's mother apparently has small cell lung cancer. She (the mother) is in the middle of chemotherapy now, so I don't want to rock the boat too much. My friend has told me she is not all that sure about the oncologist and really wants her mother to get a second opinion or find a new oncologist.…
Thankful Thursday, Yay!
I am initiating Thankful Thursday this week because I may possibly be the most thankful this week. Yesterday I had my oncology app. and I AM FINE! Some of you may have seen my previous questions and concern about possible Lymphedema and pain in my shoulder? Truth is, it had subsided by yesterday, but still...? Once you…
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Other
I just started treatment with keytruda
Celebration | Remission
First Mammogram after treatments were all completed showed cancer free
Thankful Thursday
Hi, everyone! It seems like its been a while since we did a Thankful Thursday post. I'm thankful for two things that happened over the last week. On Thursday of last week my husband got his first dose of the vaccine. On Monday I had my annual breast MRI and found out today that the results are all good. What are you…
Are there any Folks here with current diagnosis of CMML (Chronic Mylemonocytic Leukemia)? Is diffe
Are there any Folks here with current diagnosis of CMML (Chronic Mylemonocytic Leukemia)? Is diffe
Other Care | Herceptin
Continued receiving for a full year along with Chemo and radiation and after other procedures were completed.
Other Care | “Watch and Wait” is monitoring blood ever 3 mos. or Bone Marrow Biopsy when needed
Chronic Mylemonocytic Leukemia (CMML) is also Known as “Smoldering Leukemia”. In early diagnosis like mine Stage CMML-0 the recommended treatment is to “Watch and Wait” by monitoring blood levels (monocytes and counts) ever 3 mos. signs of change guide biopsies and treatment be it BMB, transfusion, chemo or Transplant.…
Drug or Chemo Therapy | Chemotherapy
Lost hair, felt sick
Other Care | Palliative care
After short chemo, had very successful hormone therapy for at least six years, then Ibrance for growing lung tumors
Radiation | External radiation
Wasn’t bad
Want to Cry (Happy)
I just called the place that fitted me from my breast prosthesis/form to find out who I pay for my cost share of what remained after insurance paid. I found out they just wrote off my patient cost share and the order has been put in. I had been waiting to get my EOB to find out my cost share and with terrible mail here, I…
SITE ANNOUNCEMENT: Ongoing Moderation
Hello everyone, wanted to reach out again to re-introduce myself. I am helping out with moderation here on WhatNext. I have been working when I can to help with the spam issues and other maintenance in the background of the site. I am sorry if people feel like I haven't been as attentive as I should be on the front end and…
Hey breast cancer fighters and survivors! Help me with Lymphodema
My 33 year old daughter was diagnosed with stage 0 last fall and subsequently had a double mastectomy. She is BRCA positive with a strong family history of breast cancer. She now suffers from debilitating lymphodema and has actually been hospitalized a number of times due to this. Anybody out there suffering the same fate…
Can cancer come back if you are in remission almost 3 yrs
I had triple neg stage 3 masstated in to 4 lymph nodes i had 5 removed and I choose to have a reconstruction of the breast they took my plastic surgery is hult due to he is concerned that it might be back in my lymph nodes? Does anyone have any suggestions thoughts or been threw ot then my oncologist is worried I may have…
Checking in on WhatNexters in and Near the East Coast
I hope all of our WhatNexters in and near the east coast are safe and sound. What a storm! The scenes on tonight's national news were quite something. Please take care.
I've made a concerted effort to log in everyday to read the latest. I comment when I feel it is appropriate to do so. But I was wondering if we still had Colby as a Moderator. I don't remember seeing anything since his introduction but perhaps I overlooked a post(s). For those of you that pray, I'd appreciate a few for my…
Has anyone heard anything from our new moderator Colby? Maybe I missed something. I haven’t seen any more posts since his introduction.
To lighten your mood on a cold winter day!
Need a chuckle? Every now and then I look for things to lighten my mood. Here are a few Life’s Truths for Mature Adults. • I totally take back all those times I didn’t want to take a nap when I was younger! • Was learning cursive really necessary? • Google Maps really needs to start their directions on #5. I’m pretty sure…
Metastasis to bladder?
Has anyone had their uterine cancer spread to their bladder? If so, what were your symptoms?
UPDATE #4 (?)
I've lost count. @Carool You have a good memory. I did go to my own Pulmonologist as scheduled. She said she recommends a minimally invasive procedure called an EBUS. It's a new procedure, first done about 10 years. She said that at that time she had an established practice and didn't want to lose the time from the…
Right now we are still trying to grips with t...
Right now we are still trying to grips with this new struggles in our lives. We are definitely scare and worry about the future