Side effects of Braftovi/mektovi
Member Posts: 2
Husband just starting this. What can we expect
There will be a consent form whichhe, or you signed. And somewhere inall of that documentation is a list of potential side effects. I would also go to the drug maker's website and read their list - they routinely (by law I'm guessing) list common, less common and rare effects.0
I see that this is a recently approved (2018) "inhibitor class" drug. It is a biological drug and not classed as chemotherapy. "Generally", inhibitor class drugs have fewer side effects, as they are very specifically targeted and do not cause massive collateral cellular damage that is associated with chemotherapy. Here is the list of common effects: The most common (≥25%) adverse reactions in patients receiving the drug combination were fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and arthralgia.[3]
For the record, I have been on at least 4 inhibitor class drugs, one for 5 years and another for about 3 years. If there are any long-term side effects, I have not noticed them.0
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