Pap smear

Fran106 Member Posts: 5
edited 2021 16 in General Cancer
I had bi lat mastectomy and hysterectomy. Dr. Told me to check yearly. I moved and the new gyno said i only need every 2 years. I had bad cells and a growth removed as well as hysterectomy. On tamoxifen 9 years. Any thoughts?


  • andreacha
    andreacha Member Posts: 196
    edited 2021 16
    Yes, get yourself a new doctor. You should be under the care of an Oncologist as well Gynecologist would be secondary to me.
  • Bug
    Bug Member Posts: 394
    edited 2021 16
    I would definitely talk to an oncologist.
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Lynne-I-Am Member Posts: 89
    edited 2021 16
    Hi Fran106. I agree with the other ladies about a second opinion. Your former doctor said yearly, are you sure that was for a Pap smear or for a pelvic exam? ..Every woman should have a pelvic exam every single matter her age. I no longer have a Pap smear since I do not have a cervix but I am diligent about my pelvic exams. The American Cancer Society changed their recommendations several years ago regarding Pap smears and currently recommend them every three years for women 25 to 65 along with an HPV test. If you have a gynecologist oncologist where you live that would be a good source for a second opinion.
  • Fran106
    Fran106 Member Posts: 5
    edited 2021 16
    Thanks all for your answers. I am going to my oncologist next week and will ask for new doctor if necessary.
  • ChicagoSandy
    ChicagoSandy Member Posts: 111
    edited 2021 16
    Not to pry, but how old are you, and have you been monogamous? My GYN told me at my last pelvic exam a yr. ago that if you haven't had a new partner since your last Pap and you're >65, you no longer need any more Paps after one last "baseline," especially if you culture negative for HPV. Exception is a history of multiple partners, PID, ano-genital warts or of course cervical/uterine cancer. (TMI, I know). Still get pelvic exams, of course, to check that ovaries haven't grown and no growths in uterus.