Cant Find Actual Diagnosis

BobsaidHi Member Posts: 1
edited 2021 19 in General Cancer
I was diagnosed with Zolinger Ellison Syndrome with MEN1 and I am not able to put my diagnosis in?


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 329
    edited 2021 19
    Sadly, there are quite a few malignancies that have no category. Although it takes away from your journey a bit, your case seems to fall under "Other" cancers, such as the Myelodysplastic Syndrome that I had. Your diagnosis could go under stomach, esophageal or even pancreatic, if that is where the ulcer or tumor is located.

    EDIT: For the record the site lists 42 cancer types - but there are about 125 actual cancer types, so the "Other" category is where they reside.