Prolina shot due to arimidex

coolteach51 Member Posts: 11
edited 2022 01 in General Cancer
Anyone have a problem with prolina? I'm 1 month out from my first shot and have lots of leg/hip/ankle pain (seeing dr. this week).


  • beachbum5817
    beachbum5817 Member Posts: 238
    edited 2022 01
    I am sorry that you are having trouble with this. Unfortunately, I do not have any experience with the drug. I hope that there is someone here that can give you some of their experience. Let us know what the doctor has to say. Take care.
  • ChicagoSandy
    ChicagoSandy Member Posts: 111
    edited 2022 01
    When you say "1 month out," do you mean a month AFTER the shot or that you're getting it in a month? In either case it probably is the Arimidex, not the Prolia (no "n"). I had the 3-yr series (6 shots total) and never had so much as a sore arm. The symptoms you describe are characteristic of the joint pain caused by drastic reduction in estrogen production. I was on an AI (Femara) for 6-1/3 years, and among the early side effects was joint osteoarthritis. That you are getting these pains is evidence that you definitely need bone-strengthening medication. Also, if the joint pain is one-sided, see an orthopedist or even a podiatrist. You may have one hip higher than the other (due to scoliosis or a short leg), which can throw everything out of whack. Even corrective orthotics might even things out.