Side Effects | Depression/Anxiety

BlessedNannie Member Posts: 13
edited 2022 28 in General Discussion
There were good times and bad. Trying to hold it all together was very difficult for my family. I didn't want my children to know I was afraid, sad, hurting and angry.


  • ImWorthIt
    ImWorthIt Member Posts: 65
    I think those emotions are very normal. I think showing them that we acknowledge the emotions allows them to express theirs as well. Sometimes we tiptoe around so much. We want to save them. They want to save us. No-one talks. Then we all have pent up emotions. A friend of mine asked me to go axe throwing. I didn't end up participating, but I went with them. I laughed until I cried. I wished I were the one throwing the axe, and I thought of something to release with every swing they took.
    Have a yell session, a primal scream, a good cry, a big bowl of ice cream.